Around the World
in 18 Holes
Photos by Dawn Steinberg &
Julie Weissman
Those North Shore Towers
Country Club players who
participated in the 2017
Ladies’ Golf Member Guest Day
on Thursday, August 10, better
have brought their passports.
Their passport invitations, that is!
As part of the event’s 2017 global
adventure theme, invitations were
cleverly designed as passports and
it was just the prelude to a day
filled with festivities, food and fun
with an international flair. With her
Out of this world co-chairs Barbara Green and Pat Tulchin
Rest spots along the course provided refreshments
tireless co-chair, Barbara Green,
Pat Tulchin once again chaired the
event, her third consecutive Ladies
Golf Member Guest Day.
Tulchin has garnered quite the
following for the fun themes she’s
come up with and their innovative,
clever and enjoyable incorporation
throughout the day’s activities, from
invitations to breakfast in the VIP
Room, from course play to luncheon
in Towers on the Green.
Two years ago, she drew upon New
York for her inspiration; 2016’s
safari theme included the course
lake filled with alligators (albeit
inflatable); and this year, she went
even bigger, taking the members
and their guest “Around the World
in 18 Holes.”
As such, flags for each country
Meeting their biggest fan at the hole dedicated to Japan
Blue and white was the dress code of the day
“When Irish Eyes Are
Team Lee, Lev Salzman and
Ladies Golf Member Guest Day
takes a world tour