’Tis The Season…
Activities aplenty as Women’s Club gears up for the spring and summer
TPhotos by Julie Weissman he North Shore Towers Women’s Club
held their third annual Spring Luncheon
Wednesday, May 16, at the Jolly
Fisherman Restaurant in Roslyn Harbor. An
enthusiastic crowd of 149 members attended,
and an additional room at the restaurant was
opened to accommodate the overflow. A sound
system was piped in so the festivities could be
enjoyed by all.
Opening remarks were made by Co-Presidents
Julie Weissman and Bobbie Gould, followed by
reports by Program chairperson Gloria Beck,
Membership Chairperson Chickie Kaufman
and Events Chairperson Rosalie Goodman.
Publicity Director Vicki Mazel composed and
performed a rap spotlighting the members of
the steering committee. The choice of salmon or
chicken were both delicious, and the festivities
continued with the music and entertainment of
Michael Dos Santos. Singing the gamut from
“New York, New York” to “Hava Nagilla,” some
members put on their happy feet and danced
in the aisles.
Women’s Club is having a busy spring
season. Our growing membership, climbing
to 349 members—90 new—increases still. In
addition, we have launched the successful
Cinema Series, which has covered four films;
“Phantom Thread,” the Post,” “Seven Days in
Entebbe” and “Beirut.” A series of lectures on
The Constitution and trip to the Nassau County
Museum of Art are some of the activities has
been developed by Gloria Back with an able
assist from Marilyn Goldberg and the program
(l. to r.) Eva Kessner, Bobbie Gould, Gloria Beck, Carole Klinger, Chickie Kaufman and
Rosalie Goodman
Happy Together “MC” Mazel raps
Tuesday, June 12, at 11 a.m.—Nassau
County Museum Trip, One Museum Drive,
Roslyn Harbor
“The Jazz Age”, $12
Openings still available. Call Rosalie
Goodman 718 279-2271
Lunch Bunch (following Museum Trip) to
Ben’s Delicatessen
Call Chickie Kaufman for reservation—
718-819-8176. Leave $5 refundable
check with concierge at Building #3 addressed
to: “Chickie Kaufman, Apt 1T”
Wednesday, June 20, at 7:30 pm in the
downstairs card room
“We The People...” Part II—Speaker
James Coll continues his mini course on the
Tonight: “Understanding The role of The
Wednesday, July 18, at 7:30 pm in the
downstairs card room
“We The People...” Part III—Speaker
James Coll concludes his mini course on the
Tonight: “The Police and the Constitution”
Wednesday, August 15, at 7:30 pm in the
downstairs card room
Back by popular demand—Popular Lecturer
Marilyn Carminio returns!
Tonight: “The Presidents’ Wives”
Wednesday, October 17—International Night
Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Israel
Programs are also in the works for the fall,
featuring acapella singers, dance music of the
’50’s and ’60’s with a DJ, more Cinema Club
and other events to nourish the mind and
the body.
Yearly dues will be upon us soon. Watch for
notification at monthly meetings. $25 check
will ensure that you can participate in all our
Look in your mailroom for the flyer with
the yellow rose... That’s us!
Entertainer Michael Dos Santos 38 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ June 2018