Some like It Cold…
I woke up this morning to a great
sound. It wasn’t a bird, a plane
or Superman. It was one of my
favorites—the air conditioner. I
absolutely thrive in the cold and
love cold weather. How much do I
thrive in cold weather? Thank you
for asking. I love cold so much I
perpetually wear warm ski undies
just in case I get the urge to ski.
After all it’s cold somewhere at
every time of the year and skiing is
my favorite winter sport. At least it
used to be. Right now, my favorite
sport is breathing. I’m not sure I’d
be as agile a skier as I was fifty years
ago. Imagine skiing down a slope at
sixty miles per hour? These days I’m
just happy to walk down 3 steps and
still land upright. I’m easy to please.
While shushing down cloud-covered
slopes, I used to feel I was
connecting with God. The only
clouds I’m connecting with now
are of the cataract kind and my
connection with God is my prayer
that they don’t get worse too soon.
Actually, it doesn’t bother me too
much. Most things I look at have
the aura of Impressionist Claude
Monet. How bad can
that be?
I like to keep my
home cold, and I keep
extra sweaters in my
guest closet. I’m not
sure my guests love
me as much
as I think
they do.
Are they
hugging me
because they
miss me or is it for body
warmth? Oy vey! My poor husband
must have truly loved me to
put up with my mishegas. He
slept year-round in flannel pajamas,
a sweatshirt with a hood, a
blanket and a quilt. I wasn’t sure
I was sleeping with my husband
or a mugger.
As for me, I slept with a light
summer blanket. I have a
feeling my body thermostat is
broken. At 98. 8˚ I’m not feeling
well. Overall, I shouldn’t
complain. It saves me
from huge heating bills.
Sometimes I think I’d
be happier in an
igloo. Do you think they
have an Igloo Hilton in
Most people I
know hate the
cold. Some move
to warmer climates
the winter. Why
not tough it out
like the rest of us?
Come to think of it,
why are they called
Snow Birds if they
don’t like the snow?
Shouldn’t they be
called Hot Birds?
Like many people,
I slow to a
snail’s pace when
it gets too warm. I
also like to travel
in cooler weather.
Last summer while in
Italy and Spain, it was
close to 100˚. I was wilting
faster than a warm
spinach salad and was
just as green.
They say it’s healthier to go outdoors
and get fresh air, especially
in the winter. I’m sure cold is better
for the mature person. It motivates
you to move faster to get where
you’re going, so the friction warms
you up. You know I might ask my
cardiologist if I can take my next
stress test outdoors. I’ll move faster
than a speeding bullet for as long
as it takes.
Also, is it possible there are fewer
germs in the cold? I ‘m not a doctor
but wouldn’t germs like warm
places like our bodies to fester in?
Come to think of it, where do sick
germs go to get better?
I do admit you’ll enjoy the cold
weather better if your dressed for it.
A good start is warm long-john type
silk underwear, a warm shirt, a light
sweater, a heavy sweater, a down
vest, a down coat, a scarf, ear muffs,
a hat, a warm face mask, gloves,
socks, fur-lined boots and a phone.
Why do you need a phone? If you
slip and fall, how are you going to
get up with all those clothes on?
Hello 911? HELP!!!
The Migdal Chapter of Hadassah at North Shore Towers…
Hadassah Spring Luncheon and Card Party
On Thursday, June 7, the
Migdal Chapter of Hadassah
at North Shore Towers
will host its popular Annual Luncheon
and Card Party in Towers on
the Green at 11:30. The registration
deadline is June 4. All are welcome
to attend this fun-filled afternoon
A plated lunch, with all the food at
each table will be served. Following
lunch, the guests will reassemble
in the Large Cardroom below the
Arcade to play cards, games or just
to schmooze. Desserts, coffee and
tea will be served downstairs in the
Couvert is $45 and raffles will be
sold. Proceeds from this fundraising
event will benefit the new Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at
Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem,
the first of its kind in Israel. This
special unit treats the smallest
patients, offering lifesaving care to
babies with a range of conditions.
Single or group registrations
should be paid by checks made out
to Hadassah. Envelopes can be left
with the concierge of each building
addressed as follows:
Building #1—Zona Schreiber,
Apt. 12A
Building #2—Dee-Dee Goidel,
Apt. 29N
Building #3—Roz Chumsky,
Apt. 29E
For additional information call
Roz Chumsky at (718) 279-1270.
Migdal Chapter of Hadassah at
North Shore Towers
Annual Luncheon and Card
Thursday, June 7, starting at
11:30 a.m.
Towers on the Green & Large
Downstairs Card Room