More than 200 North Shore Towers
Residents Honor Victims of Gun Violence
Photos by Julie Weissman On May 12, 2018, the North
Shore Towers Political
Action Committee (PAC)
conducted a “Step Up Rally,” in
memory of the victims of gun
violence, in the Towers Theater.
The program honored victims at
Marjory Stoneman High School, in
Parkland, Florida, Columbine High
School, in Littleton, Colorado, and
Sandy Hook Elementary School,
in Newtown, Connecticut. More
than 200 Towers residents, family
members and friends participated,
and 50 of those in attendance
volunteered to participate in the
Students Voter Registration Day,
May 21, 2018, at Martin Van Buren
High School.
RoseAnn Darche, the Program
Coordinator, opened proceedings
and said, “Welcome to our commemoration
of the scores of victims
of gun violence in our country, the
United States of America. Our
Committee agrees unanimously
that solutions to these problems lie
with our youth. The activity of the
students at Majory Stoneman High
School in Parkland, Florida, gives
us hope.” Darche invited those in
attendance to join together and
volunteer to participate in nonpartisan
voter registration drives at
local high schools and community
PAC Chairperson Stan
Goldsmith, M.D. was unable
attend due to a medical issue and
Ms. Darche introduced Towers
Board Member Fred Chernow.
Chernow greeted those in attendance
and introduced, Debbie
Markell-Kleinert, who led the
Pledge of Allegiance and introduced
Queensborough President
Melinda Katz, who led the audience
in singing “The Star-Spangled
Banner.” President Katz said we are
“awake, strong and committed to
fight against gun violence.”
Council Member Barry
Grodenchik and Assembly Member
Ed Braunstein participated. Justin
T. Connor, Congressman Tom
Suozzi’s Nassau/Queens representative,
presented a flag, which had
flown over the Capital, to Chernow.
Key Note Speaker Joan Perkell
began her remarks with a moment
of silence in honor of the children
and educators who were victims of
gun violence. Perkel related a conversation
she’d with a Parkland survivor.
“How you may ask does one
get over such a trauma. The answer
is… You don’t.” She encouraged
those in attendance to join in the
Towers’ Youth Voter Registration
Drive. “The status quo is no longer
an option. Enough is enough!”
Arlene Basner led the
Assemblage in reading the names
of the Parkland, Columbine and
Newtown victims.
Antoinelle Hilton, a student at
Martin Van Buren High School,
closed proceedings by singing
“Hero.” Hilton sang beautifully
and inspired the audience.
Borough President Melinda Katz leads NST residents in singing the
Star-Spangled Banner in the Towers Cinema
Program Coordinator RoseAnn
Darche and Council Member
Barry Grodenchik
June ¢COURIER TOWERS SHORE NORTH Martin Van Buren High School
student, Antoinelle Hilton, sang
Felice Hannah hugs Martin Van
10 “Hero.”
Buren High School student. Sign in, please! Carol Zolendek and Evelyn Pinsky.