52 North Shore Towers Courier n June 2014 jklabcdefghi jklabcdefghi Puzzle 2 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.57) SUDOKU Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9. Across 1. Wine holder 5. Bean counter, for short 8. Destiny 13. The “A” of ABM 14. Part man, part goat 15. Betelgeuse’s constellation 16. Favoring neither side in a dispute 18. Move, as a plant 19. Ancient jar with two handles and a narrow neck 20. “___ to Billie Joe” 22. “___ moment” 23. “Flying Down to ___” 24. Fertilizer ingredient 26. Anger, e.g. 27. Challenged someone to do something 29. “Beg pardon ...” 30. Big ___ Conference 31. Quark flavor 33. Outer covering of eyeball 36. Indiscriminate in selection 38. Dravidian language in central India 40. Madagascan prosimian primate 41. “Tarzan” extra 42. Antares, for one 44. Mountain summits 48. Bird’s beak 49. Embankment to prevent shore erosion 51. “Sesame Street” watcher 52. Trick taker, often 53. Infomercials, e.g. 54. Baton wielder 56. Kind of trip 58. Minnesota’s capital (2 wds) 60. Clear, as a disk 61. “... or ___!” 62. Bad marks 63. Tear with violent force 64. Undertake, with “out” 65. Comparative word Down 1. False rumor 2. Deficiency of red blood cells 3. Daze 4. Friends and neighbors 5. Cooked squid 6. Afghan monetary unit 7. Tom, Dick or Harry 8. “M*A*S*H” setting 9. “___ we having fun yet?” 10. Retorts quickly 11. Sillier 12. Feeler 14. Kind of team 17. Obstructive driver 21. Chinese brunch with tea 25. V=IR, physics (2 wds) 28. Almond 32. Pleasingly entertained 34. Two of the same kind 35. Artificial bait 36. Lacking refinement 37. Potter 38. American songbird 39. Gourmet 2 4 9 6 7 8 1 5 3 43. Armor plates 1 3 7 5 2 4 8 6 9 protecting the upper 8 6 5 3 1 9 2 7 4 thighs 45. Hook up 9 2 4 8 6 7 3 1 5 46. Monetary unit of 3 7 8 1 5 2 4 9 6 Czech Republic 5 1 6 4 9 3 7 8 2 47. Hot 49. Fills 6 5 2 7 3 1 9 4 8 50. Channel 4 9 1 2 8 5 6 3 7 55. Clash 7 8 3 9 4 6 5 2 1 57. “Acid” 59. A pint, maybe Answers to last month’s NST Puzzle & Sudoku 1 4 8 9 4 6 3 2 7 8 4 3 1 5 3 4 7 2 5 7 3 8 4 1 5 2 5 3 7 8 ARIES - 3/21-4/19 Have you ever waded through treacle? Have you experienced walking waist-high in mud? I recognize answers to the above will likely be a resounding ‘no’ but since early March, your ruling planet has been doing a good impression of moving backwards. Astrologically, this has had implications surrounding your progress, particularly where commitments are concerned. This month, Mars moves forward again. This will bring noticeable improvements where you have felt as if everyone else has been enjoying progress you’ve been yearning to experience. Give Mars a chance to get back into the swing of things and you’ll see, very soon, that you’re doing the same. TAURUS - 4/20-5/20 Remember when teachers would spring ‘surprise’ tests? As each student became aware of what the lesson would involve that day, the room would be full of shocked comments or groans. Of course, the teacher knew this would happen. In fact, many were delighted with such responses but felt confident that justification existed in some way for a test to be given, in light of what had been learned to date. This month sees you being ‘tested’ in some way. It’s time for you to know where you truly stand with an arrangement or individual. You could, understandably, feel put upon through having to accept this. Have complete faith in your ability to pass with flying colors. GEMINI - 5/21-6/20 ‘It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it’. Such words get said by people who have learned to convey a point in a way that someone else takes on board in the way it was intended. There’s real skill involved in doing that. All too often, we feel the need to make our point and become oblivious to someone else’s point of view. During May, you’re likely to find a need growing increasingly stronger to say what you feel must be said to a certain person. You’re aware that what you have to say might not have them punching the air with joy but are determined to say it anyway. You’re right to expect resistance but wrong to believe agreement can’t be reached. CANCER - 6/21-7/22 Change, we are told, is ‘as good as a rest’. Sometimes though, we don’t require resting and when we’re in the throes of change, we’re usually more focused on what needs to be done or adjusted to than we are the thought of relaxing. Coming weeks bring change in the form a need to assess where your time, effort, attention and emotional investment are all best spent. If you believe you need to give more of each of the above to a certain plan, project, cause or commitment then coming weeks will facilitate the need to do so. However, don’t rule out a need to decide what and who is worthy of your continued efforts. It might just be you who decides to change goal posts. LEO - 7/23-8/22 Imagine how much fun could be had with a pair of X-ray glasses. Imagine how much trouble would result if we had a pair. Much would depend on how we chose to use them but, regardless of our intentions, others would not feel at ease knowing we had privileged use of such an item. This month, it is what you can see that others cannot that is the cause of excitement on your part and of concern on the part of others. To you, a vision couldn’t be clearer and needs pursuing with passion. To others, you’re seeing something they believe you need to be more careful or responsible about. Be sensitive to how privileged you are to see what others cannot, for now. VIRGO - 8/23-9/22 ‘It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you played the game’. Such words get said by coaches to teams they’re trying to motivate. Are such words really motivational? Are players really more concerned with how sportsmanship-like they were than whether or not they won? That’s a debate for another day. Here and now, and particularly this month, what matters is how you respond to the need to alter an expectation. There appears to be something you’ve set your heart on and possibly pinned more than one hope to. It’s important to have faith in magic than can come about through change. Don’t see it as ‘losing’ anything. You’ll soon see how much you’ve gained. LIBRA - 9/23 - 10/22 A car that has run out of fuel isn’t entirely unusable. Think, for example, how a fuel-less vehicle can be effective if the journey is entirely downhill. Having said that, anything that requires gravity to work with us is often made considerably and noticeably easier. This month, life is about to become considerably and noticeably easier for you through a dormant Mars moving forward in your sign after a six-week slumber. More than one area of your world is about to receive a fuel injection of sorts. You’re about to discover how much easier it is when you’re not encountering inertia. Prepare to see for yourself how much easier and less frustrating life is about to become. SCORPIO - 10/23-11/21 Are elephants really afraid of mice? A certain global learning television channel put this to the test recently and confirmed elephants have an issue with mice. How can something so large and powerful be so concerned with something so small? Whilst elephants might have their own reasons, much clearly has to do with perspective. This month, how you choose to face something that instills a sense of fear is entirely down to your perception of how ‘big’ an issue it is – or how ‘big’ an issue you choose to make it. You’re being faced with something far less significant than it appears. Choose instead to move a mountain instead of creating one from a molehill. SAGITTARIUS - 11/22/12/21 There are processes we have no control over and accept will happen or unfold without our involvement or intervention. We tend to not be too concerned about influencing that which cannot be influenced in the knowledge that ‘whatever will be, will be’. This month, it is likely to become clear how much influence you do have over a process that has been unfolding recently and you’ve been inclined to shrug your shoulders about in the belief that it’s best to unfold in its own way and time. Perhaps, this has something to do with lack of confidence. Perhaps, as well, you could surprise yourself this month with what a bit of confidence on your part can change. CAPRICORN - 12/22-1/19 ‘That’s just the way it is, some things will never change.’ So sang Bruce Hornsby who was understandably and even justifiably pessimistic. Your understandable and seemingly justified pessimistic attitude toward a particular situation is something the cosmos intends to shift this month. You’re used to a situation being ‘the way it is’ and accepted it will never change. You’ve reason to believe defensiveness and anxiety are justified where this is concerned and that you’ve no option other than to learn to live with it. How might you feel if defensiveness and anxiety were removed from a certain situation? The answer is ‘delighted’, as you’re about to discover. AQUARIUS - 1/20-2/18 There are countless impressive stories of people who achieved amazing things. Do such things only happen to others? Are they blessed with an unfair ability? Of course not. Much of what they achieved, they were daunted by initially and created reasons why ideas were doomed to failure. With belief, they made some effort and discovered they were capable of more than they thought. This month, you’re being offered a chance to bring about a much desired and much needed change. Prepare to see how ‘up for the challenge’ you are and able you are to make it happen. PISCES - 2/19-3/20 Pessimism is a powerful thing. It has the ability to grow and spread like a disease. It loves nothing more than being passed from person to person. All it takes is one person to dwell on something negative and, before long, someone, somewhere agrees with what’s being said. From there, pessimism grows. This month, you can focus and dwell upon a negative situation and encourage others to support your pessimistic view or you can be seen to be rising above it and gain even more respect and admiration from certain people who never doubted your ability to do so – and one such person can be identified by simply looking in a mirror!
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