

16 North Shore Towers Courier n June 2014 Olé vey: A Ladino Club BY CLAIRE LEVITAN After a short survey by Nat Cantos, several people have expressed an interest in starting a new club on conversations in the Ladino language and folklore. What is Ladino? It is the remnant of medieval Spanish spoken by Jews before the Spanish Inquisition and expulsion from Spain in 1492. The language is very similar to Castilian Spanish. Even after 522 years of separation from Spain, it is sometimes called Judeo Espanol. In 1492, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Murad III, welcomed the Jews who chose not to become Christians before the expulsion because it was in the empire’s best interest to welcome a population which was well educated in commerce, medicine, and craftsmen in every trade. The language survived throughout the Ottoman Empire in what is now Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Morocco, Greece, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and the Arabia. American Cancer Society serves men, women, and children with all forms of cancer. Funds are used to support cancer control programs of research, public education, advocacy, and patient and family services. Call: Paula Franklin 718-225-8605 Call: Marion Weinstein 718-631-9493 SAVE THE DATE: Cancer Society Golf & Card Party It’s that time of year again. The trees are blooming, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Floridians are returning home and we are a busy, bustling, thriving community of charitable caring people. This is the time of year we ask you to please join in supporting North Shore Towers drive for American Cancer Society’s “Stand Up to Cancer” initiative. Together we can make a difference when we support cancer research. The amount is your choice, funds are tax deductable. Contributions are made out to American Cancer Society and can be left at the Country Club front desk. SAVE THE DATE – for the “Babes and Guys Day”. On Thursday, July 10, 2014, we will “Fight for the Cause” with a Card Party, Golf Tournament, and Luncheon. You do not have to be a member of the Country Club to participate and guests are welcome. Look for the flyer enclosed with Courier. Additional information and signup sheets will be forthcoming. Ladino is now studied in many universities in Spain and the U.S. as a historical Spanish dialect. Entries from surviving Ladino speakers from all over the world are on the web on Yahoo at Ladino Komunita. There are entries from Australia, Brazil, Argentina, France, Belgium, England, U.S. and Israel. I myself have frequently contributed. I would like to start this club for conversations in our ancient language and also share Ladino stories which are very entertaining. We have to find a comfortable time and day for those interested in the club. I am sure we can get a room to accommodate us. Please leave a note for Claire Levitan with the concierge in Building 1 with your name, email and phone number. Let me know if you are interested at least for a first meeting and the day and hour you prefer in the morning or evening. I will be in Spain until June 10 and will respond to you as soon as possible. For any questions you may call me with the number posted in the Green book. Sera una buena encuentra. The dialect of Spanish spoken by Jews before their expulsion in 1492, Ladino studied are making a comeback among scholars and at universities.

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