

North Shore Towers Courier n June 2014 3 Summer is officially open at NST Mind the GAP! That warning to subway riders has a whole different meaning at NST – where GAP stands for Gym, Aerobics and Pool. Especially pool. After a long, harsh winter, the pools at NST were – not surprisingly – the most popular spot at the Towers over a picture book-perfect Memorial Day weekend. Work on renovating the kiddie pool was done just in time for the traditional first weekend of summer, as were plans to give the pool something of a soundtrack by piping in popular music on weekends. The pools at NST were crowded with families and sunbathers as temperatures reached 80 degrees for the first time this year, just in time for the three-day holiday. A new feature to make it easier to bring in guests – a pre-paid booklet with no expiration date – also has gone on sale for $40. Even t h e indoor pool will undergo a facelift over the summer, residents learned last month at the annual open meeting of the Towers Country Club. Two more holes on the golf course – Holes 2 and 8 – are also slated for makeovers. But the construction schedule has been bumped to fall, another victim of the unusually severe winter weather. The bad weather meant that work could not be completed before the summer golf summer began. So the $1.8 million renovation project has hit a skip. The latest report on the country club found that membership was up 98 over last year to an even 1,800, according to Robert Serikstad, the controller. “In terms of meeting your budget target,” he told the meeting last month, “you ran $190,509 ahead of budget through the first four months of 2014. Membership fees are $170,059 better than budget (6.2% of the $3,075,000 total revenue budget). “Your cash on hand was $1,588,246 on April 30, 2014, about the same as a year ago, when it totaled $1,591,455, as numerous improvements were funded throughout you facility during the past year.” MIND THE GAP Photos courtesy of Julie Weissman

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