46 North Shore Towers Courier n June 2014 HOWARD TEITELBAUM NORTH SHORE TOWERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS North Shore Towers is a wonderful blend of people of various ages, backgrounds and interests, and has the amenities to serve everyone. My ability to carefully analyze issues and offer viable solutions made me a valuable asset to the many boards I served. I am creative, assertive and an independent voice of reason. These attributes, and others, make me an excellent candidate to serve on the Board of Directors of North Shore Towers. If I have earned your respect and confi dence and am fortunate enough to be elected, I will make you PROUD of your decision! MY FIVE POINT PLAN: • Improving the outdoor parking situation • Extending the green light when exiting our main gate • Improving our Emergency Response time • Raising your property values • Urging NYC to remove fallen trees in front of the Northern State Parkway so our entrance will be enhanced BACKGROUND: • 1982 President of large Nassau County Condominium • Formed full-service management company consulting with more than 50 Co-ops and Condos over a 21 year period • Volunteer at North Shore Hospital Doula Program • Graduate of Brooklyn College & Baruch School of Business • 31 years of condominium management
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