

North Shore Towers Courier n March 2016 7 Political Action Committee hosts major March events TOM SUOZZI VISITS NORTH SHORE TOWERS BY FELICE HANNAH, BOARD MEMBER AND NORTH SHORE TOWERS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE CHAIR PERSON On Friday, February 12, 2016, a large group of residents waited in the lobby of Building #1 to “Meet and Greet” Tom Suozzi, candidate for Congressional District 3. President of the Board, Mort Gitter, welcomed Mr. Suozzi to North Shore Towers. Matthew Silverstein, Assembly District 26 Representative was also on hand to welcome Mr. Suozzi. Meet and Greet was hosted and organized by the North Shore Towers Political Action Committee (NST PAC). The NST PAC escorted Mr. Suozzi through the Arcade to the Towers Restaurant and to the Country Club. He met and greeted more than 100 residents and visitors. Mr. Suozzi and his Campaign Manager, Michael Florio, were impressed with the reception and pledged to return to North Shore Towers. Photos by Julie Weissman Suozzi meets Board President Mort Gitter Is my perscription ready? 9-11 Hero Tom Lyons greets Suozzi Entourage Suozzi and Sylvia Weprin share a moment Buffy welcomes Suozzi to the Towers Restaurant Suozzi and Howard Kimmel What’s for dinner?

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