

18 North Shore Towers Courier n March 2016 Screen Savior New “super” screen TV makes its debut just in time for the Super Bowl Photos by Steve Auerbach, Dawn Steinberg and Stephen Vrattos When the Men’s Club of North Shore Towers gathered in the Coleridge Lounge for their Super Bowl party Sunday evening, February 7, they were greeted with the Towers’s latest additions. Where once stood an outdated combination bookcase/knick-knack shelving unit now hangs a new 70-inch screen television surrounded by comfy, new lounge chairs with matching loveseats and couches. The improvements were on the books for later installation, but General Manager Glen Kotowski marshalled his maintenance forces and John Virga of North Shore Towers Video Productions and got the job done ahead of schedule, so the Men’s Club could celebrate the Big Game in style. And it certainly isn’t only the Men’s Club who will reap the benefits of the overhaul. Located on the Arcade level of Building #3, the Coleridge Lounge is often in use by the plethora of Social Clubs that help make North Shore Towers a great community in which to live. The Women’s Club, for example, kicked off its start in the lounge and holds its meetings there, and the Coleridge Lounge is home to a weekly sing-along, among many other activities. The Men’s Club would like to thank Glen, John and all the members of the Maintenance staff who help install the renovations in time for their party. They cannot express their gratitude enough. Big game... Big players Toby Horowitz and Arnie Rabinowitz kibitz before the game Halftime dessert... Beyoncé who? Jack adler moseys up to the buffet NST Men’s Club Board (l. to r.) Jerry Gilbert (Communications), Toby Horowitz (President), Jack Sevita (Treasurer), Paul Nettler (Vice President), Arthur Rose (Secretary)

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