

20 North Shore Towers Courier n March 2013 Lecture on ‘Films with a Jewish Flavor’ BY MAGGIE HAYES Attendees of a special “Films with a Jewish Flavor” lecture received behind the scenes looks at some of history’s most famous Jewish films. Bob Lippet lectured the crowd on Monday, February 25 about a variety of productions, from the acclaimed “Fiddler on the Roof,” to Broadway play “The Jazz Singer,” and gave an interesting history on each and every one. “I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone in this room has seen ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ more than once,” said Lippet. “It’s about the breaking down of tradition. Trying to be in the real world, and still have a poetic feeling about it.” Lippet also spoke of Tevye, a character in “Fiddler.” In the musical, Tevye sang the song, “Do you Love me” to his wife, in which he questioned his wife’s devotion because of their arranged marriage. Lippet recalled one particular performance of this song, as the song’s writer sat and watched in the back of the orchestra. “He started to sob uncontrollably, and had to walk out of the theater,” recalled Lippet. “He walked aimlessly around the block, and kept asking himself, ‘Why am I crying?’” It was then that Lippet revealed that the writer was subconsciously reflecting over his childhood and Photos by Maggie Hayes his parents’ tumultuous marriage. It was little, unknown details like this that Lippet was full of throughout the lecture. The audience was also treated with screen tests, filmed before a character was chosen for a wellknown role. They reflected over moments such as the first film with sound, and other historic happenings. Over 100 people packed the VIP Room to get the front row look at Jewish actors and actresses throughout the years such as Al Jolsen and Cantor Rosenblatt. The audience sang along with songs and attentively watched film clips. Some could be heard saying, “I remember that so well!”

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