Colgate Women’s Games Finalist and (below) the New Balance Games 4x200 meter relay medalist.
VTC (Velocity Track Club) is Truly Blessed!
Scanlan Competes in
CHSAA Championship
On Sunday, January 26th,
2020, Monsignor Scanlan’s
Track Team competed in the
CHSAA (Catholic High School
Athletic Association) Sectional
Championship at the
New Balance Armory in Fort
Washington, New York. The
best athletes from throughout
New York City’s CHSAA were
in attendance. Student Athletes
Hannah Gadpaille and
Jordan Providence continues
to rack up the medals. Medals
were given to the top three athletes
from the Bronx / Manhattan
division and Brooklyn
/ Queens division. Plus, gold
medals were given to the oval
all City Champion. The following
events were contested:
55 meters, 55 meters hurdles,
300, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1600-
and 3200-meters races. Relays,
plus fi eld events.
Sophomore Student Hannah
Gadpaille was blessed
with Silver medal in the varsity
55-meter dash, taking 2nd
in the City Championship and
2nd in the New York / Bronx
division. She also took 2nd
place in the NY/Bronx 300 meters
division. Senior Student
Athlete Jordan Providence
also was blessed with a silver
medal in the City Championship
300 meters varsity race.
Jordan broke his personal record
in the 300- and 55-meters
races. He made the fi nals in
the 55 meters dash, a race he
only ran twice this season.
Great job to all athletes!
Our next meet will be on
Saturday, February 1st, the
Colgate Women’s Games fi nals
at the New Balance Armory
in Fort Washington NY and
Saturday, February 8th, the
CHSAA Intersectional Championship
at Ocean Breeze Recreational
Facility in Staten
Island, NY. Come out and see
your future Olympians!
Monsignor Scanlan Athletes, Jordon Providence and Hannah Gadpaille
sporting their medals
VTC (Velocity Track Club)
is Truly Bless! On Saturday,
January 18th, we had 14 student
athletes compete in the
46th Annual Colgate Women’s
Games semi-fi nals. The top
six student athletes who accumulated
the most points from
the preliminary and semi-fi -
nal meets advanced to the Colgate
Women’s Games Finals.
For an opportunity to earn
educational grants as much as
$1,000. Each athlete who advanced
to the fi nals, received
a Colgate Women’s Games fi -
nalist sweat suit. To make
the semi-fi nals is a great accomplishment.
To make the
fi nals is an “Awesome Feat”.
Velocity Track Club was Bless
with ten athletes advancing to
the Colgate Women’s Game fi -
nals. This is the most athletes
advancing to the fi nals on any
team that we have coach! The
following girls qualifi ed for
the fi nals: Cameron Joseph (55
meters), Hannah Defl orimonte
(55 meters), Shyenne Blake (55
meters hurdles), Savannah
Minter (55 meters hurdles),
Brianna Burrell (200 meters),
Olyvia Burrell (High Jump),
Kaylin Strachin (55 meter hurdles),
Hannah Gadpaille (55
meters), Ryann Joseph (High
Jump) and Jada Clarke (High
Jump). Congratulations to all
who competed, your all are
As our Semi Finalist were
competing at Pratt Institute,
our 12 years old & under division
relay teams (girls & boys)
were invited to compete in the
New Balance Games at the
New Balance Armory in Fort
Washington NY. This were
basically a high school meet,
whereas selected youth relay
teams were invited to compete
in. Our youngsters embrace
the moment and represented
VTC well. Our girls won
bronze medals in the 4x200
meters relay and the boys won
gold medals. Both teams received
New Balance Games tshirts
and the boys received
1st place crystals. Great Job
Our next meet will be on
Saturday, February 1st, the
Colgate Women’s Games Finals
at the New Balance Armory
in Fort Washington NY.
You can get tickets, free by going
on the Colgate Women’s
Games website. Come out and
see your future Olympians!
Velocity Track Club New
York is a 501C3 Non-for profi t.
100% of your donation will
go towards helping our children.
Support your youth, so
they can continue to do great
For additional information,
you can go to our web site or contact
me, Coach Winston Dinkins at
914-441-6196 or email watclt@