22 SEPTEMBER 2 0 1 9
The program is a collaboration between
The Cliffs, the rock climbing facility in Long
Island City, and the Discover Outdoors Foundation.
The program begins in September
and goes through the school year. Each
month, there is one two-and-a-half-hour session
at The Cliffs during after schools hours.
At the end of the school year, the participants
have a chance to go on two outdoor,
out-of-city trips to rock climb. Last year, the
young women were accompanied by their
mentors and program leaders to spend the
night at an American Alpine Club Campground,
where they climbed to “The Gunks,”
a world-renowned rock climbing destination.
“The Cliffs is perhaps one of the most diverse
climbing gyms in probably the U.S.,”
Krauss said. “Whether you’re talking about
race, gender, it is one of the most inclusive
spaces. There is something about these
girls who come from different socioeconomic
backgrounds and countries to come
to this gym and see other women who look
Photos via Instagram @youngwomenwhocrush by @ervarisco