

By HAYLEY BRIDGEWATER 22 | BOROMAG.COM | SEPTEMBER 2015 BODY & SOUL The New Kid on The Blo ck is They hit the ground running, never stopped growing, and within only a few short years, Sage Fitness Studio Astoria has moved into a new location right around the corner from the original outpost. The location change came out of necessity. High demand for the product, more classes on the schedule and an interest in expanding the format led them to a very different yet totally exciting space. Owner/trainer Danny Suarez explained, “Our classes had become packed to the brim, and I understood that in order for us to maintain the quality of training that our clients have come to expect that we needed to move to a larger space to accommodate the growth.” The new space is more than three times the size of the old studio at 2,750 square feet, with a 30-foot vaulted ceiling and fantastic skylight. It is outfitted with Power Racks, wallmounted pull-up bars, barbells, bumpers, rowers, ski machines, TRX apparatuses and kettle bells. The set-up is accessorized with bands, ropes, boxes, cones and medicine balls. Upon entering the facility, there is a welcoming reception area with WiFi accessibility, storage cubbies and restrooms. With the growth of the space came some changes in the training itself. In explaining the evolution of the Sage Astoria programming format, Danny has coined the term “powerbuilding.” “Powerbuilding is the simple but effective combination of the lifting styles found in powerlifting and bodybuilding. Our powerbuilding routine is based on a fourweek program to create proficiency and consistency. It allows us the ability to track and analyze the individual client’s progression. We have also added our own style of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) to be done intermittently with the powerbuilding workouts to supplement the overall training. It is a fun yet constantly changing and challenging workout.” As I am fortunate to do with a majority of my features (a perk second only to the incredible people that I get to meet), I was invited to observe and participate in workouts at Sage. This time around I observed a class led by coach Sarah Gawron, a sweet, assertive and precise teacher who seamlessly tailored the daily workout to the various ability levels in the room. Her extensive dance background was apparent in her ability to scan, correct and break down mechanics of movement both for the first-time participants as well as the regulars in the class. I returned an additional time to workout with Danny (as I have done a few times in the old location), and he did not disappoint. Open, engaging, clear and confident, he is a natural teacher. Knowing that I have been rehabilitating an injury but familiar with my “all systems go” mentality, he was careful to make the adjustments necessary for me to safely participate, while pushing me when the exercise allowed. He is adept at working the room and keeping everyone motivated

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