Astoria councilman joins P.S. 17 students
to unveil new hydroponic lab
Councilman Costa Constantinides
14 JANUARY 2 0 2 0
joined with students, faculty and
staff of P.S. 17 Henry David Thoreau
in Long Island City to give the
school’s new hydroponic science lab
a spin on Wednesday, Dec. 18.
“Hydroponic labs offer unparalleled
hands-on lessons that open students
up to the world of science,” Constantinides
said. “I cannot wait until every school in our
Council District has an operational facility
by next fall.”
For Constantinides, a borough president
candidate who sees climate change as an
“existential threat,” STEM and hydroponic
labs represent a way to expose students
to careers that can confront the threat of
global warming.
“Climate change will present our children
with unthinkable challenges, which find
their way into every single industry,” he said
when he unveiled his education platform
for borough president.
Grave climate threats aside, the school’s
greenhouse classroom promises to be fun.
It will engage kids by allowing them to grow
fruits, vegetables and herbs using cuttingedge
Within just the last few years, the councilman
said that he has been able to secure
funds for a new hydroponic science
or STEM lab at all schools in his Council
District. P.S. 17 is the fifth school to open
a lab within the last two years. He funded
construction of the $160,000 science lab
through the 2019 budget.
New York Sun Works, a nonprofit organization
that builds science labs, partnered
with the councilman and Department of
Education to teach educators about lab
programming to ensure they get the most
out of these facilities.
“The NY Sun Works Hydroponics Labs will
provide students with the opportunity to
grow food while learning hands-on about
science and climate education, as well as
food justice and community service,” said
Manuela Zamora, its executive director.
Photo courtesy of Constantinides' office