State Comptroller
- Citywide
Thomas P. DiNapoli
- Democratic
Thomas DiNapoli is the
incumbent candidate for State
Comptroller. DiNapoli was a
member of the New York State
Assembly from 1987 to 2007,
representing the 16th District.
As comptroller, DiNapoli has
become an adamant opponent
of New York’s budget defi cits,
speaking out against former
budgets and pushing reforms to
the budget process.
Jonathan Trichter
- Republican
Jonathan Trichter is an investment
banker and public fi nance
expert. He has worked for J.P.
Morgan, with underwriting
teams for the largest municipal
bond issuers in the country
and as policy director on Harry
Wilson’s campaign for New
York State Comptroller.
Trichter’s fi nancial work has
helped government officials
identify long term liabilities that
weren’t accounted for.
Trichter spent his early career in
New York City government and
on political campaigns. He has
published numerous articles and
op-eds in major news outlets, and
his commentary has appeared in
local news and national networks.
Attorney General
- Citywide
Letitia A. James
- Democratic
Letitia James is the current New
York City Public Advocate and
is the fi rst black woman to hold
citywide offi ce. She served for a
decade as a member of the New
York City Council, representing
Brooklyn’s 35th Council District.
James served as a public
defender for the Legal Aid
Society and negotiated the
Welfare Reform Act in 1994 on
behalf of the New York State
Black and Puerto Rican Caucus.
Keith Woff ord -
Keith Woff ord was a key
founder in a law practice that
helps clients recover money
from companies that refuse to
repay their debts. Over the past
25 years, Woff ord has recovered
billions from those companies.
Woff ord grew up in Buff alo in a
working-class neighborhood. His
father worked at a Chevy plant
and his mother worked in retail
while taking care of Woff ord and
his brother. Woff ord attended
Harvard College on scholarship
and then Harvard Law School.
United States
Senator - Citywide
Kirsten E. Gillibrand
- Democratic
Kirsten Gillibrand is the incumbent
candidate in the United
States Senator election. She
began serving as senator in 2009
aft er Hillary Clinton was named
President Obama’s Secretary of
State. Gillibrand also served as
a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives for New York’s
20th congressional district.
Gillibrand’s most notable
actions in Congress have been
writing part of the Stock Act,
which limites insider trading
by members of congress, and
co-sponsoring the Protect IP
Act, which limits access to websites’
using copyrighted material.
Chele Farley - Republican
Chele Farley has worked in
the fi nancial services industry in
New York for the last 25 years.
She spent time at UBS Capital
and Goldman Sachs and is now
Partner and Managing Director
at Mistral Capital International.
Farley was also the Co-Chair of
the East Coast Advisory Board of
Questbridge and the New York
State Republican Party’s New York
City Finance Chair.
Farley has been outspoken in
her desire to fi x the deteriorating
roads and bridges in New York,
as well as reduce the high taxes
paid by New Yorkers.
Election 2018
Democrats & Republicans on the
Election Day Ballot Statewide races
Governor / Lieutenant
Governor - Citywide (one
vote for the ticket)
Andrew M. Cuomo / Kathy
C. Hochul - Democratic
Andrew Cuomo is the incumbent candidate
for Governor, seeking his third
term. He assumed his position in 2011,
aft er spending four years as the Attorney
General of New York. Cuomo served as
the United States Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development for Bill Clinton’s second
term as president. His father, Mario
Cuomo, was the 52nd Governor of New
During his time as governor, New
York has enacted gun control laws and
legalized gay marriage. Cuomo recently
promised to restore voting rights to
all parolees.
Hochul is the incumbent Lieutenant
Governor, seeking her second term. She
assumed her position in 2015, aft er serving
as a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives for the 26th District of
New York. Hochul also served as County
Clerk for Erie County.
Hochul was born in 1958 in Buff alo,
New York to a clerical worker and a
homemaker. Her family struggled fi nancially,
and spent time living in a trailer
near a steel plant. Hochul has a Bachelor’s
Degree from Syracuse University and a
law degree from the Columbus School
of Law.
In her tenure is Lieutenant Governor,
Hochul has chaired the 10 regional economic
development councils, the Task
Force on Heroin and Opioid Abuse and
Addiction and has combatted sexual
assault on college campuses.
Marc Molinaro / Julie
Killian - Republican
Marc Molinaro was born in 1975 in
Yonkers, New York. His family later
moved to Tivoli, where he was elected
to the Village of Tivoli’s Board of
Trustees at the age of 18, and became
mayor of Tivoli at the age of 19, making
him the youngest mayor in the United
States. He was reelected fi ve times, and
was then elected to the Dutchess County
Legislature four times. In 2006, Molinaro
was elected to represent the 103rd
District in the New York State Assembly.
In January 2011, Governor Andrew
Cuomo appointed Molinaro to serve on
the Governor’s Mandate Relief Redesign
Team. In 2013, the New York State
Senate appointed him to the Greenway
Heritage Conservancy for the Hudson
River Valley.
Killian served as Rye City
Councilwoman for six years and as
Deputy Mayor. Killian also co-founded
Rye Action for Children and Teens
to fi ght youth drug and alcohol abuse
by working with the federal government
and regional partners to promote
prevention through a positive cultural
She is currently Chairman of RyeACT,
member of the NYS OASAS Task
Force and a Board member of the Kroc
Institute for Peace at the University of
Notre Dame.