health medicare & medicaid enrollment
5 hazards on the road to the Medicare
Part D plan that’s best for you
Some experts estimate that as many
as 80 percent of Medicare beneficiaries
choose to stay in a Medicare prescription
drug plan (“Part D plan”)
that doesn’t match their needs. Studies
show that these individuals could benefit
from cost savings and better coverage
by taking the time to select a different
Part D plan. If you decide to evaluate
your Part D coverage, here are
some common hazards to avoid along
the way to finding the plan that’s best
for you.
Hazard 1: Getting distracted
by premiums
Cost may be the determining factor
in many of your purchases. However,
when shopping for a Medicare prescription
drug plan, cost, or specifi cally the
plan’s monthly premium, should be only
one of the factors to consider. If you’re a
person who takes only one or two prescription
drugs, you may opt for a lower
premium Part D plan. However, if
you take three or more medications, you
may need more comprehensive coverage,
which may result in your considering a
higher-premium plan. Always evaluate
your overall annual cost for the plans you
are considering.
Hazard 2: Failing to check if or
how your drugs are covered
Your Medicare Part D plan will include
a list of covered drugs called a formulary.
Be sure you check if your prescribed
drugs are on the list and, if so, how they
are being covered by the plan you’re considering.
Remember to check the copay
for each medication, which will vary from
one plan to another.
Hazard 3: Forgetting to
look for a plan that off ers
preferred pharmacies
Plans that provide a preferred pharmacy
network off er cost savings to members.
Checking the local preferred retail
pharmacies within the plan’s network
that you’re considering may off er you the
greatest retail pharmacy savings. Plans
that off er mail delivery in their preferred
network for medications you use regularly
provide the convenience of having them
delivered right to your door. Mail delivery
may off er more savings than what you
would get at a preferred retail pharmacy.
Hazard 4: Selecting a plan
without checking the stars
Remember to check each plan’s Star
Ratings before you make your choice.
Th e plans are ranked from one to fi ve
stars based on criteria set by the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services, such
as customer service and quality of care
off ered to a plan’s members.
Hazard 5: Detouring
from your roadmap
By staying informed and doing your
research early, you can prepare and follow
a roadmap to help you reach the
desired destination: the Medicare Part D
plan that’s right for you. Avoiding detours
along the road could save you money
on next year’s plan, which will help you
remain on the medications you use by providing
coverage that best meets your needs.
Learn how to prepare for the road ahead
before the start of Medicare’s Annual
Enrollment Period (Oct. 15 to Dec. 7) by
visiting roadmapformedicare.com.
Courtesy BPT