cator, for a clay workshop that
embraces the Earth by using natural
materials found at Socrates
Sculpture Park! Experience part
of what Isamu Noguchi called
“my close embrace with the
Earth, a seeking after identity
with some primal matter
beyond personalities and possessions.”
Join us at Socrates
Sculpture Park, 32-01 Vernon
Blvd., Astoria, from noon to 3
p.m. This workshop is free to
13 Come celebrate fall
at the Autumn Rose
Celebration! From noon until
5:30 p.m., take a tour of the
QBG, make a craft, enjoy music
by Mar Salá and more! There
will also be a watercolor workshop
with artist Chemin Hsiao
from 2 to 4 p.m. Registration is
required for workshop; tickets
are $18 for members and $20
for non-members. All other listed
activities are free with garden
admission. The Queens
Botanical Garden is located at
43-50 Main St., Flushing.
14 Come and meet the
author at the library!
From 2 to 3:15 p.m., local author
Joseph A. Levy will be at the
Queens Library to discuss his
new book “The Look-Alike,” a
story about mistaken identity
and the criminal justice system!
In addition, Mr. Levy will also be
discussing secular and Jewish
subjects. Books will be available
for sale and signing. Don’t miss
this event at the Queens Library
at Kew Garden Hills, 72-33
Vleigh Pl., Flushing. Registration
is not required.
15 The Queens Museum
is at it again! On the
third Sunday of every month,
the Queens Museum is holding
a free Museum Explorers
Workshop that is geared toward
children with disabilities, including
those on the autism spectrum.
All instructions and materials
will be provided free of
charge by the ArtAccess program,
and the workshop will
be led by a licensed art therapist.
This workshop is located
at the Queens Library, New York
City Building, Flushing Meadows
Corona Park, from 1:30 to 4:30
p.m. Call 718-592-9700 for more
16 Do you have a project
that you want to work
on, but don’t have a sewing
machine? Then, head to
the Queens Library to get started!
From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the
Queens Library is providing sewing
machines and accessories to
bring your creation to live. You
must bring own project and fabric.
Registration is not required,
but space is limited. This event
is for adults 18 and over only.
Come to the Queens Library at
Jamaica (Central Library), 89-11
Merrick Blvd.
18 Meet a local author
at The Astoria
Bookshop! Suzi Siegel will be
talking about her book, “Tiny
New York: The Smallest Things
in the Big City,” from 7 to 8 p.m.
Born in the Bronx and living in
Queens, the author writes about
the small things that make New
York what it is. This event is
at The Astoria Bookshop, 31-29
31st St. No registration required.
19 Have a walk to begin
your day! From 9 to 10
a.m., join the self-guided fitness
walking program that runs from
the Fort Totten Gate onto Joe
Michaels Mile, which is approximately
two miles. This free program
is held at the Fort Totten
Front Gate in Fort Totten Park,
Totten Road and Cross Island
Parkway. For more information,
call 718-352-4793.
20 Lend a hand and join
the NYC Compost
Project! From 9 a.m. to noon,
learn to grow healthy crops
and to foster a farm ecosystem.
This project provides multiple
tasks like processing food
scraps, building a compost pile,
harvesting, plant activities and
more! Volunteers must be at
least 16 years old to participate.
Admission is free with Garden
Admission; adults pay $6, children
(between ages 4 to 12)
pay $2. The project is set at the
Queens Botanical Garden, 43-50
Main St. For more information,
visit queensbotanical.org.
21 See what’s growing
at QBG Farm and
Compost! Since 2013, this farm
has displayed the link between
composting and sustainable
farming in the heart of Queens.
The QBG Farm has produced
a diversity of herbs, fruits and
other beneficial plants. Visiting
hours are from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Admission is free with Garden
Admission; adults pay $6, children
(between ages 4 to 12) pay
$2. This farm is located in the
Queens Botanical Garden, 43-50
Main St. Go to queensbotanical.
org for more information.
Have unwanted electronics lying around that you can’t throw away? Recycle
them! Bring working or nonworking computers, printers, fax machines, video
game consoles, VCRs, TVs and phones to New Life Fellowship Church, 82-10
Queens Blvd., between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This event is hosted by the Lower East
Side Ecology Center. For more information, visit lesecologycenter.org.
Interested in instruments from all parts of the world? You’re in luck! Tereasa
Payne, a flautist from NYC, will perform solos with flutes from all over the world
like pan flutes, ocarinas, Native American flutes and more! She’ll also share interesting
anecdotes about the history and cultural significance of each one. Don’t
miss out at the Queens Library in East Flushing, 196-36 Northern Blvd., from 4 to
5 p.m. Registration is not required.