Explore global fl avors at World’s Fare Passport Series: The Americas
Th e World’s Fare Passport Series: Th e
Americas in Long Island City on the
weekend of Sept. 22-23 off ers international
cuisine from around the world and the
United States.
Surf and turf will be among the main
attractions at the Passport Series program.
Bayside actor muscles into Hollywood with
a fi lm about northeast Queens in the 1980s
Bayside native Peter Gaudio will be
playing “the muscle” in upcoming fi lm
“Cruise,” which is directed by Robert
Siegel, writer of fi lms “Th e Wrestler”
and “Th e Founder.”
“Cruise” is set in 1987 New York featuring
fast cars, mob connections and a
blue-collar, Italian-American (Spencer
Boldman) falling for a wealthy Jewish
girl (Emily Ratajkowski) from Long
Island, according to the movie’s IMDb
Th e fi lm’s setting is personal for
Gaudio, since it’s on his home turf.
“I’ve lived this movie. Everyone else
comes to Queens and does their work
and then goes back home to their mansions
in Malibu. I still live in Bayside,”
Gaudio said.
Gaudio works alongside another
Queens local, Gino Cafarelli, in “Cruise.”
Cafarelli was involved in the pre-production,
has an executive producer
credit and plays the father of Spencer
Boldman’s character in the movie.
“If it wasn’t for Gino, the movie
‘Cruise’ wouldn’t be where it is today,”
Gaudio said.
Gaudio’s storied resume includes
a role in Robert De Niro’s directorial
debut “A Bronx Tale,” which is celebrating
Photo courtesy of Peter Gaudio
its 25th anniversary this year, and an
uncredited role as a mobster in “Gotti,”
a fi lm starring John Travolta.
“I’ve been blessed to work opposite
some very talented performers,” he said.
Gaudio also has a new television series
coming to a major network in 2019. Th e
show has yet to be offi cially announced,
but is a mob drama set in Brooklyn,
Gaudio said. Th e project is a collaboration
with William DeMeo, a Brooklyn
native Gaudio met working on “A Bronx
Tale” and worked with again in “Gotti.”
While Gaudio has had diff erent parts
in many projects, he said the most
important role he plays is father to his
daughter Petrina.
“Cruise” premieres in select theaters
on Sept. 28, and will also be available
on demand.
Incredibly delicious ceviche from
Peru courtesy of Don Ceviche will be
It’s a girl!
available, as well as Down East Lobstah’s
lobster rolls (warm or cold).
For turf options, travel to Guantanamera
NYC, which will have a taste of Cuba via
their amazing Sandwiches Cubanos and
Stuff ed Bananas with slow roasted pork on
platanos from the Dominican Republic.
Both will transport you directly to the
Islands without ever leaving Queens.
Adeline Catherine Newman was welcomed to the world at 10:15 p.m. on Wednesday night, Sept.
5, weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces and measuring 19 inches tall. The proud parents are Brandon and
Michelle Newman.
Guests will also have access to a beer
garden, music and entertainment from a
specifi c region of the world.
Th e World’s Fare Passport Series program
takes place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
on Saturday, Sept. 22, and Sunday, Sept.
23, at 5-25 46th Ave. in Long Island City.
Admission is $7 per person; children ages
10 and under are free.
Th e Passport Series is a continuation
of the successful World’s Fare event that
took place at Citi Field in Flushing back
in April. Approximately 10,000 people
enjoyed two days of spectacular cuisine
from across the globe, off ered by more
than 100 vendors.
For more information and to purchase
tickets, visit www.Th