Student government keeps
Richmond Hill teens active
From blood drives to pep rallies, the
Richmond Hill High School student government
works hard to engage their peers
in taking pride in their school community.
Th e leaders of the Student Government
organize three blood drives a year as
well as breast cancer walks, a community
Richmond Hill H.S.
gets their robot
ready for battle
Th e Richmond Hill High School
Robotics Team is constructing a
robot for entry in the FIRST Robotics
Competition. Teams from all over the
U.S. each receive boxes containing identical
parts. Students must use the parts to
build a robot that will perform a specifi c
task. Th e partly-fi nished Richmond Hill
robot is shown in the photo with some
of the club members and the club advisor,
Director of Technology Tony Kistoo.
Aaron Omadutt serves as the captain of
the team.
family night, a strawberry festival
and a talent show. Leaders meet monthly
with Principal Neil Ganesh to discuss
the events as well as other matters, including
maintenance of the building. Janika
Doobay, coordinator of student aff airs,
serves as the government’s moderator.
Pan American student has gone very far
Senior Dorian Apolo of the Pan
American International High School in
Elmhurst came from Ecuador only a
few years ago. Th e Jackson Heights resident
has certainly been helped by the
school’s mission to prepare students
who have been in the U.S. for less than
four years for a college education. Apolo
is on the school honor roll with a 98%
average; received a 99 score on the state
English Regents exam; and is taking AP
courses in psychology, critical thinking,
Spanish and computer science. He also
joined the Urban Ambassadors summer
program, which helps Hispanic
and African-American youths develop
self-esteem and become leaders in
their communities. Apolo is considering
a career as a psychologist or astronomer
and has been accepted to several
Queens Village
teen seeks career in
the FBI
George Daniels, a senior at the
Benjamin Franklin High School for
Finance and Information Technology
at the Campus Magnet Complex in
Cambria Heights, is eyeing a career as
a behavioral analyst for the FBI. Daniels
has been an active member of student
government for three years; is on the
Campus Magnet volleyball team; and is
on the debate team. He also achieved a
spot on the school honor roll with an
84 GPA and has taken AP courses in
government, U.S. history and literature.
Daniels was accepted into fi ve college
and desires to study criminal justice and
political science.
Richmond Hill teens training
for career in tourism
Th e Academy of Hospitality and
Tourism at Richmond Hill High School
prepares students for their careers with a
student-run class operating like a business.
Th e students make their own rules, host
their own events and raise funds. Th ey
shadow employees at various local companies,
produce their own commercials,
study customer service and can even take
part in paid internships. Shown are Abiba
Dyuti, the business’ CEO, and Tiff any
Calle, the business’ CFO, who run the class
under the guidance of mentor E. Joseph
and Academy Director F. McCormick.