FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT AUGUST 25, 2016 • TIMES 17 kids & education A lesson on re safety in Ozone Park BY ANTHONY GIUDICE [email protected] @A_GiudiceReport After three major fi res across New York City over the last two weeks — one of them in Queens Village — FDNY Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro visited Ozone Park for an FDNY fi re safety event on Monday to teach children the dangers of playing with fi re. Each of the fi res were started by unsupervised children playing with fi re and matches. According to a recent study by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), nearly 50,000 fi res are caused by juveniles playing with fi re each year nationwide, resulting in an average of 80 deaths, 860 injuries and more than $235 million in property damage, the FDNY announced. \“In the last 10 days there have been three major fi res in our city caused by children playing with fi re — destroying or damaging 14 homes and injuring 35 people — including three fi refi ghters who were critically hurt,” Nigro said during his Aug. 22 visit. “These are preventable fi res and parents and guardians must ensure the children under their care are properly supervised, and that they don’t have access to matches, lighters, open fl ames or other potentially dangerous sources of fi re.” According to the FDNY, a four-alarm fi re was started in a two-story private dwelling at 636 Photo via Twitter/FDNY The FDNY held a re safety event in Ozone Park on Monday, to teach kids the dangers of playing with re. East 235th Street in the Bronx on Aug. 9. The blaze completely destroyed one building and damaged another three structures. Two fi refi ghters suffered critical injuries at the fi re, and a third fi refi ghter from Queens whose unit was sent to provide additional fi re coverage was critically injured in an unrelated accident. The cause of the fi re was children playing with fi re and a dish towel on a stovetop. Then on Aug. 13, children playing with matches sparked a second alarm fi re at 221-30 111th Ave. in Queens Village inside a twostory residential building. The fi re caused non-life threatening injuries to four fi refi ghters and four civilians. A third fi re on Aug. 18, also started by children playing with matches, burned three homes on Staten Island. Nigro urged parents who have children that have demonstrated an unhealthy curiosity for fi re to reach out to the FDNY’s Juvenile Firesetters Intervention Program. In the program, specially trained FDNY marshals will evaluate and educate children up to the age of 12 who have engaged in fi re play. Parents can contact the program by calling 718-722-3600. They can also visit for educational material to help talk to their children about the dangers of fi re, as well as ways to help keep their homes fi re safe. For more information on the FDNY Fire Safety Education program, the Juvenile Fire Setters Intervention Program, and for fi re safety literature in multiple languages, visit fdny. “YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS” EVERYTHING FROM PRE-K TO COLLEGE! Sign Up Now For FREE Student/Teacher Discount Card Save on School Supples 67-16 Fresh Pond Road, Ridgewood 718-386-3266 Celebrating 71 Years in Business (1945 – 2016) (Near M Station) Full Line of Art Supplies St. Matthias School Excellence in Education Since 1909 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 31st 11:15 AM—12:30 PM Wednesday, February 3rd 9:00 AM—11:00 AM REGISTER NOW Nursery to Grade 8 for September 2016 Financial Aid Available Excellent academic program with full implementation of NYS Common Core Project-based learning across grade levels NYC DOE SETTS & Sp/L Services Title I Remedial Service-ESL, Math & Reading Technology and arts are infused in all areas of the curriculum State-of-the-art technology infrastructure and hardware including fiber optic based network, laptops, tablets & SMART technology Interactive boards for every grade level Library Media Center and Science Lab Dedicated and caring veteran faculty Guidance Counselor & full-time Nurse Recent graduates awarded over $400,000 in scholarships to Catholic High Schools & acceptances to specialized high schools Free early drop off at 7:40 AM After School Program until 6:00 PM After school clubs and activities include Children’s Choir, Cinema Club, Creative Writing Club, CYO Sports Program, Lego Club, Media Group, Piano Program, Poetry Club, School Band, Scouting Programs, Step Club and Theater Program Safe, structured learning environment Enrollment of 400 students with small class size allowing individual attention Culturally diverse student body Family friendly atmosphere with annual school-wide events Strong Catholic identity Service projects promote social awareness Schools Tours Available Financial Aid Available Pre-K through Grade 8 Register for Fall 2016 58-25 Catalpa Avenue Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718) 381-8003
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