

NST Men’s Club Tour Power Plant 11-10-15 MEN’S CLUB BY PAUL NETTLER PHOTOS BY TOBY HOROWITZ Life Time Trusts, Five Year Look Back, One Month Look Back, Power of Attorney, Unlimited Power of Attorney, Spousal Refusal, Irrevocable Trust, Health Care Proxy, Living Will, it’s enough to make one’s head spin! And although many of us know what these things are, there are still subtleties and nuances in the law that we may not be aware of. For instance, it may be true that everyone has a will, but when was the last time it was looked at it? Maybe there was something in it that you had forgotten about. Maybe the law changed. Although judging by the questions that were asked—many of our members and guests are quite knowledgeable—the assistance of an Elder Law Attorney and an Estate Planner is most important. And that was pointedly demonstrated last November 12th by our speaker, Ann Margaret Carrozza, an Elder Law Attorney and Estate Planner with much experience in these areas. One thing she noted is the fact that New York State has the best Medicaid program in the country, and she explained how it can best be taken advantage of especially when one has Long Term Care Insurance. In short, this was a most educational presentation, especially as its possible impact on our pocket books. Should you care to learn more about Ms. Carrozza’s services, you can contact her at myelderlawattorney. (L to R) Glen Kotowski, Erick Kroll, Warner Nass, Arthur Rose, Arthur Goldsmith, Gary Zwetchenbaum, Michael Bilgrel, Arnold Feldman, Paul Nettler, Ralph Edwards, Toby Horowitz, Michael Gold, Not in picture Terry Feit Men’s Club recent tour of NST power plant (l. to r.) General Manager Glen Kotowski, Erick Kroll, Warner Nass, Arthur Rose, Arthur Goldsmith, Gary Zwetchenbaum, Michael Bilgrel, Arnold Feldman, Paul Nettler, Ralph Edwards, Toby Horowitz and Michael Gold (Not pictured: Terry Feit) 2015 December n Courier com. Our next meeting will be Towers on Wednesday, December 9th. The speaker will be Corey B. Bearak, an attorney, Shore whose expertise is in government and public affairs. North 30 a winner. He counsels clients who face difficult public policy matters or special needs in dealing with governments. He combines expertise in strategic public policy politics and mediate, devise and manage strategies to make a difference on behalf of trade unions, trade groups, coalitions, businesses, government and community agencies, individuals, public officials and political candidates. We’ve been very busy in the past several weeks. Our paid up members brunch on October 25th was attended by 120 members and guests. It seems we caught the snow birds before they could fly away. The Current Events Group chaired by Gary Darche had stimulating discussions as usual. See the article on page 42 about the last meeting. For more information contact Gary at 718-225-3060. The next meeting of our Book Group won’t be held until April 11th due to the flight of the Snow Birds. At that time two books will be discussed: “Devil in the White City” by Erik Larson and “Ally” by Michael Oren. For information about our Book Group, contact Ralph Edwards at 347-235-0472. Our tour of our power plant and infrastructure was absolutely fascinating. It was like visiting the heart of a small city. Actually, we are a small city. We took lots of pictures which illustrate more clearly the magnitude of the operation. You can find them on our website, northshoretowersmensclub. org. Note the cleanliness. It is most impressive. A thank you to our guides, General Manager Glen Kotowski and Chief Engineer, Sal Castro. Hopefully, we can do it again some time for those who missed it. We have a Bingo Night scheduled for November 29th in the large card room by the theater at 7:00 PM. In the planning stage are visits to a Comedy Club, The Cradle of Aviation Museum, The 911 Memorial and a bus trip to a casino. If you haven’t been to one of our very informal breakfast get-togethers, give it a try one day. It’s too early in the morning to have serious conversations and you’ll enjoy the camaraderie. We meet in the restaurant at about 9:15 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please note the change of date for our next meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, December 9th, at 7:30. And don’t forget to bring a dollar bill for our Chuck-ABuck game. There’s always November 12th speaker, Elder Law Attorney and Estate Planner, Ann Margaret Carrozza

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