

30 North Shore Towers Courier n December 2014 Eat, Drink and be Bloody Mary!: MEN’S CLUB BY PAUL NETTLER Our Men’s Club brunch on Sunday, October 26th at The Towers On The Green was a huge success. Close to 100 members and guests attended. The food was good and plentiful and the conversation non-stop. It seems that the great time that we all had at the Swan Club dinner, only three weeks before, carried over. Who says that you can’t get enough of a good thing? Our president, Al Fuchs, made a gracious speech going over the year’s activities and thanking our Board and those involved in planning and supervising the past year’s activities. And did you see that terrific montage of photos that Arnie Rabinowitz put together? Truly a labor of love. The party ended too soon for some as they lingered on, shooting the breeze long after we were supposed to leave. Next year: Bloody Marys! Once again, the Men’s Club enjoyed a speaker at our November 13th meeting who demonstrated the font of knowledge and experiences that exists within our membership. The title of Gary Darche’s presentation was “From Staten Island, NY To Ferguson Missouri – A Taxpayer’s View.” In his talk Gary, who is a graduate of Cornell and Brooklyn Law School, explained the financial impact that these purported police brutality events can have in addition to the reaction of the local communities. Many times these cases take on a “he said/she said” experience wherein witnesses see things differently, either honestly or because they have an agenda. Surprisingly to the layman, even if a jury finds that there were no police brutality, and the accused is found guilty, the accused can still bring a civil lawsuit claiming violation of his or her civil rights if they were injured during the arrest. Gary cited a case where a mugger was awarded over $4-million dollars because the policeman’s bullet severed his spinal cord as he was running away – or was he running away? Several members asked questions and Gary inquired how we would decide in certain situations. Bottom line – the bad guys don’t stand a chance with us. During the business portion of our meeting we discussed the fact that we are planning to build a Men’s Club web site. Toby Horowitz has graciously volunteered his expertise. Also, Al Fuchs reminded us about the Prime Card which is open to our members. It’s a discount dining charge card with very large discounts. For more information, contact Al at 917-612-5350. Our Tuesday morning informal breakfasts in the VIP Room continues to enjoy popularity. Usually 15 to 20 of us show up to enjoy an hour or two of food and friendship. Nine-fifteen is the time. Many thanks to Jerry Gilbert for organizing it. Future events include a movie about the life of Mel Brooks after our meeting on December 11th courtesy of Harold Katz. It’s guaranteed that some laughter will be generated. On the following Thursday, impresario Katz will present a film on an American president. No Laughter guarantee here. As one can see, we engage in a variety of interesting activities and we invite all male residents of voting age to join us. The dues are only $60.00 a year. Checks should be made out to North Shore Towers Men’s Club and given to the concierge in building 3, attention Leo Tujak Apt. 7A, or left at the Country Club entrance desk to Leo’s attention. If you have any questions, you can reach him at 347-408-4377 or our president, Al Schools at 917-612-5350. 13th th Hanging out after the Men’s Club brunch. 11th th

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