Since the orders to stay at home, I spend a lot of my time listening
to podcasts, webinars and joining ZOOM meetings. I naturally gravitate
to topics that have to do with the needs of people over 50 and
professionals who offer them services. I was getting so depressed. All
I heard was that someone my age needs a will, should find a hobby or
should send letters to grandchildren. But I know plenty of people who
are using this time out to form new businesses and many people began
telling me their personal stories of starting over after 50, 60 or even
70, like me. I wanted to hear more about why and how they did it.
Carol Marak, the go to authority on topics of aging alone spent
some time with me sharing her latest project, her first book, “Solo
and Smart, Get the Best of the Rest of Your Life.” to be published
in 2021. I met Carol in 2016, when she invited me to participate in’s Aging Council. Since then, I know Carol mostly
through the Facebook Elder Orphans group, and by taking her courses
Caryn: Carol, can you tell us something about why and how
you decided to start a business?
Carol: After both of my parents died, I thought, “Wow, that was a
lot of work!” That’s when I started preparing for my own care, without
adult children or a spouse to look out for me. What do I need to do to
take care of myself in the best way possible? I was in technology since
the 1970s, but in 2006 I felt driven to write about
the issues that family caregivers face because
there just wasn’t any information out there. I quit
my job and I really felt guided to do something
in the senior care industry. I started a website.
I started going to Meetups and conferences. I
Carol Marak
hired a web person and learned about internet
marketing, SEO. I took courses with SCORE and
wrote out a business plan. Really, it all grew by word of mouth. Some
of my articles got published locally and people got to know who I was.
A couple of years ago the industry shifted and I started giving more
onsite presentations. Then the pandemic came and I was able to move
my work back online.
Caryn: What’s the future hold? Would you ever think of
Carol: The book is my pivotal foundation. I’d like to consult with
companies and provide information about planning in a positive way.
Even married people with children can identify with solo living if their
family is not involved. It’s how you perceive yourself. I observe how
some people are just interested in life. It keeps me thinking, how can I
navigate and make sure that my mind stays sharp. We all get negative
feelings sometime, but I want to be around people who accept where
they are and want to improve on that.
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