Mask Queries
and Theories
I always take myself to task,
If I forget to wear a mask.
Somebody invariably asks,
“Hey lady where’s your mask?”
This is always a subject to take up,
Under the mask do you wear makeup?
Cotton or cloth to decide’s the trick.
Do you really need to wear lipstick?
Walking around there’s a little breeze,
What happens when you have to
Something else makes me frown,
When the mask keeps slipping down.
Here's something else to think about,
Mask wearing makes your ears
stick out.
You know what else is really not nice?
You can even lose your hearing device.
Now we’re deaf with cauliflower ears,
Masked rangers in our senior years.
Muffled speech to cause a fright,
So nice to take them off at night!
Through the hard
working effort of
Carol Klinger, Steering
Committee member of
the North Shore Towers
Women’s Club, many
knitted blankets made
by Towers residents
have been donated to
North Shore Hospital.
With the additional
cooperation of the
Towers Knitting Club, the blankets have been
delivered for distribution to patients in need:
cancer victims, Covid victims, and other recipients
in distress. The hospital administrator was
delighted with the blankets and appreciated the
fact that the community reached out.
A lavender room is being installed at the hospital
which will provide a waiting area for families
and caregivers and Carol Klinger has been asked
to provide lavender blankets to enhance the
atmosphere. Knitters and crocheters are still
needed to continue this very worthwhile project.
Materials like yarn and needles can be provided
by Carol along with instructions.
Want to participate during the long winter
months ahead? Call Carol at 347-408-4600.
Save the Date: Monday,
November 30, 11 a.m.
The Women’s Club is
excited to announce that
after many months, the
Cinema Club will bring their
first review to Channel 995
on November 30th at 11
am. Gloria Beck and Vicki
Mazel will be producing the
program along with the cooperation of John
Virga and Marty Ragusa, the Towers TV technical
advisers. Past reviewers Vicki Mazel and
Dr. Nurit Israeli will resurrect the format they
successfully did at the Towers Movie Theater by
providing the film selection and background info.
The first film picked for viewing is “Our
Souls at Night” starring Jane Fonda and Robert
Redford. Critically acclaimed, this 2017 movie
addresses loneliness with a unique solution.
Filmed in Colorado, Fonda and Redford are as
charismatic as senior citizens as they were when
then were younger.
People are encouraged to watch the film at
their leisure before November 30. A trailer of the
film will be shown on Channel 995. Questions
and comments should be directed by email to
Producer Gloria Beck at
Several queries will be selected for air time.
Save the Date: Wednesday,
November 18, 3 p.m.
Events chairperson
Gloria Beck has arranged
for Constitutional Professor
and noted lecturer James
Coll's return to our midst.
He will be appearing on a
Zoom broadcast on Wednesday, November 18
at approximately 3 p.m. This is the first in a series
of lectures that Professor Coll will be presenting
to the Women’s Committee.
His topic will be “The Assassination of JFK
- Invocation of the 25 Amendment.” Proposed
by Congress and ratified by the states in the
aftermath of the assassination of JFK, the 25th
Amendment provides for procedures for replacing
the president of Vice President in the event
of death, removal or incapacitation. Future lectures
may include a two part program on “Free
Speech and the Constitution” and “The Road to
Revolution” dealing with the Revolutionary War.
Please note: Since the Zoom meeting is limited
to 100 viewers, only the first 100 people signed
up will be included. You must be a member of
the Women’s Club to apply. Sign up by emailing
Judy Paris at
Dues renewal of $25 has been deferred until
January at which time all membership fees will
commence again. Our programs are restarting
and we are looking forward to more lectures,
workshops and discussion groups to keep us all
occupied. Stay safe, wear your mask and keep
your social distance.
A Welcome to North Shore Towers Newcomers During The Pandemic
Sheila Harmon is a newcomer to North Shore Towers who arrived
during the pandemic. She recently contacted me and told me how
difficult it was for her to meet people and find out what activities
were available here at North Shore Towers at this time.
There are now about 50 apartments that were recently sold and
the North Shore Towers Women’s Club would like to reach out
to newcomers who want our help. We will provide information
for what is available and also arrange for one of our members to
personally get in touch with you - a buddy system.
Sheila Harmon has graciously volunteered to be chairman of the
newcomers group of our organization. We provide very interesting
activities such as speakers, the cinema club, knitting for charity,
and the use of Zoom and Channel 995, all to keep all you busy
during the pandemic winter season. The Women’s Club now has
over 325 members. We welcome you!
To reach us, please contact our representatives in your building:
• Building 1: Roz Simon 718 225 1359
• Building 2: Marilyn Goldberg 347 502 7309
• Building 3: Eva Kessner 718 631 7637
• Committee Chairperson: Sheila Harmon 516-551-3463.