I keep thinking that I need a vacation.
Mental? Physical? I’m
not sure. Maybe one or both?
Under normal circumstances my
“besties” and I would be physically
and mentally preparing for our
next cruise. I don’t have to tell you
what a high that type of planning
creates. Well, where can we go safely?
What can we do? Maybe some
islands? Do you have suggestions?
Unfortunately, a cruise ship isn’t
exactly ideal right now. It’s probably
like a petri dish, “harbor”ing all
kinds of things.
I know I’d like to travel further
than the local islands that are nearby.
I’m familiar with Staten, Coney,
Bedloe’s, Ellis and Governor’s.
Did you know there are 26 islands
located near NYC? There is even
a Rat Island. Why name it that?
Are they the main inhabitants?
Not a very appealing name. There
is even a Goose Island. Now you’re
talking! There’s nothing like a
good goose, especially when it’s
well done. There’s Rikers Island.
Not a place I’d use as a destination
point. Is it still being used as a jail?
Cooped up is what I’m trying to
get away from. Roosevelt Island
has the tram. I don’t like heights.
Nope! Even though these islands
are nearby. Not interested.
Of course, we do have Long
Island, but even though it’s surrounded
by water it was officially
designated part of the mainland
November by the Supreme Court. They had
nothing better to do that day? It
has something to do with it being
part of an archipelago. No longer
designated an island? Take it off
¢the list of islands to visit. Even
COURIER though I’ve lived on Long Island
for most of my life and with all it
has to offer, at this moment in time
I’m looking for more.
TOWERS I’m sorry to say with all of my
carefulness, and even though I’ve
been in “solitary confinement” for
these few months, I’ve developed a
now question the word normal.
SHORE challenging disease for which there
I’m not sure what normal is these
is no cure but is known in Latin
days. If there is a new standard for
as profugus, and to the rest of us
normal, then I must also question
NORTH who don’t know Latin, it’s called
the word perfect. The definition of
“shpilkes.” For the rest of us who
perfect is “to make something free
don’t know the word “shpilkes,”
from faults or defects or as close
24 it means an insatiable restlessness.
to such a condition as possible.” So, with all of its problems, I’m
still thinking maybe a cruise is the
way to travel.
I recently heard a rumor that
the cruise lines are now planning
to book rooms according to their
views and different insurance
coverages. For example, the 5th
floor Penthouse – unlimited view
with unlimited medical coverage,
the 4th floor is reserved for
private insurance coverage - the
better rooms without obstacles
are for the insurance clients with
fewer exception clauses in their
policies, the 3rd floor is reserved
for Medicare patients who have
already met their deductibles, and
the 2nd floor - no insurance - is a
little above the water line and if
necessary may have to help staff the
ship. Think about this - people who
cruise must really love it because
“it’s the only place where you
spend a fortune each day to sleep
in a room the size of a closet.”* I
assume the Penthouse suite must
look more like a really outfitted
walk-in closet.
In our research, we’ve discovered
there will be cruises leaving from
NY – Manhattan and Brooklyn to
be more precise. That would be
fabulous. Then we don’t have to
fly, which is a whole other story.
I’d like to leave from Brooklyn.
Brooklyn is tougher. No virus is
going to mess with ships leaving
from there. According to the brochure
our “perfect” around the
world trip out of NY is going to
be 183 days. It’ll probably spend
150 days at sea and cram 50 countries
into the other remaining time.
Perfect? Nah! Oh, and buy stock
in the pharmaceutical manufacturer
of Bonine. With all that sea time,
I’m sure it’ll be part of my daily diet
along with the 20 other pills I take
and I feel I won’t be the only one
on Bonine.
We’ll probably hit every hot spot
in the world. Just what we’re trying
to escape from! We may not need
our malaria shots again since we got
them last year. My arm still hurts.
Or maybe that’s where I recently
broke it. I brought a suitcase for
meds last time and I also brought a
suitcase for my medical equipment,
like canes and braces. This time I
think I’m going to include a walker.
Because of the length of the trip,
we will be allowed to bring along
a third suitcase and a carry-on/
back pack. So, my third suitcase
will hold my masks, shields, disinfectants,
soap, protective garments
and maybe toilet paper.
I’ve heard people say that their
bodies have absorbed so much
soap and disinfectant, that when
they pee it cleans the toilet bowl.*
Really? It’s a very good idea to
bring along toilet paper. You never
know! It turned out to be a necessity
when I was in Israel. Does
anyone know how long toilet paper
will last if you freeze it?* Again,
my clothes will be relegated to my
back pack.
Do you think we’ll look like
people from outer space because
of the protective garments we’ll
be wearing? To be different, I’m
going to put rhinestones on my
Hazmat suit. The good thing about
the mask and my hidden identity
is that I could probably get away
with wearing the same clothes
every day. Soon enough if I don’t
change my clothing, in addition to
looking strange, I will become the
Lone Stranger!
I’ve also read that the cruise lines
are no longer going to serve their
sumptuous buffets because of social
distancing rules and that you will
have the food brought to you by a
server. That’ll ease my conscience
when I start eating the food I’m not
supposed to. “Oh! I didn’t order
the lox, bagel and cream cheese
and danish. You must have made
a mistake, but since fresh food may
become scarce I’ll sacrifice myself
this 100th time and eat it.” Or do
you think they’ll have little cooking
appliances in each room? Maybe
the food will come prepared and
delivered to our rooms for reheating.
Just like home! The more I
think about traveling and all that
has to be done to stay safe, I just
might be better off staying home.
In the beginning of my story I
alluded to the phrase normal circumstances
and I must say that I