Creativity is alive and well
at the North Shore Towers
Art Studio! In its continuing
goal of offering events and classes
in a variety of artistic media,
the “Art of Sculpture” will take
place on November 11 and November
18 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.
This two night class allows residents
to model and paint their
own clay art pieces. The sessions
will be taught by artist Meagan J.
Meehan. Meagan explains, “Each
participant will create a sculpture
in the style of their choosing (realistic,
abstract, or mixed) and then
paint their creation using an array
of colors.”
Tickets are limited and cost
$15 for the two night package.
Purchase yours today
at the Greenthal
Property sales
office on the
Arcade level.
TSTUDIO he North
Shore Towers
Art Studio
is sponsored by
the Special Projects
A beautiful refurbished space, the
Art Studio is located adjacent to
the Library on the Arcade level.
It is the home for a range of art
and craft activities. Its mission
is to offer exciting art events and
classes to our North Shore Towers
When the studio’s
renovation was completed
in August,
the studio began
offering residents a
free Basic Drawing class.
It consists of three weekly
two-hour sessions.
Topics covered include
form, shadow and
perspective. Working
in black and white,
then color, students
end the class with a
simple still life. This
free drawing class is
taught each month
by North Shore
Towers resident
Be on the lookout for more to
come: As the Art Studio develops,
larger events and more advanced
classes will be offered and professional
artists will be brought
in to present these events
and classes. Residents will
pay nominal fees to bring
in these talented outside
artists. Please direct all
questions to Karen Perry at
The news that Felice Hannah
was leaving the North Shore
Towers Board of Directors
because she believed an illness
made it no longer possible for her
to perform her responsibilities was
met by shock and sadness for all
our community members. For her
colleagues on the Board, it was
even more devastating.
Felice developed the Political
Action Committee into a major
amenity for North Shore Towers'
residents. She brought all major
elected officials to our community.
In addition, she developed
workshops for us on every topic
an informed voter should know
prior to casting their vote. She also
solved a dangerous crossing by
utilizing her knowledge of elected
As a Board member, she always
voted her conscience and what she
believed was best for the residents
in our cooperative. Hopefully this
message will let Felice know how
we will miss her and that we will
serve as a support system for her
in the future.
In terms of Felice’s replacement
on the Board, we are keeping with
our policy of inviting the candidate
who received the next-highest
shareholder votes to join the
Board. I am pleased to announce
that Dr. Stanley Goldsmith has
accepted our invitation to fulfill
the balance of Felice’s term, after
which he may re-run if he so
This month the Board of
Directors also had an Open
Meeting for our residents. It
offered everyone an opportunity
to directly articulate their concerns
and to make recommendations to
the board members. In addition,
each board member was given an
opportunity to describe what their
committee has accomplished and
their plans for the future.
As President of the Board, I also
was able to remind residents that
they have the opportunity to have
their questions answered throughout
the year and they did not have
to wait for a board meeting to get a
response. Glen Kotowski answers
every concern that appears on
Building Link. I added that in each
building, a resident can be given a
question that will be passed on to
me. In Building 1, Edna Green;
Building 2, Shirley Wershba; and
in Building 3, Eva Kessner forwards
questions to me and they
are answered immediately.
The meeting also gave me the
opportunity to describe in detail
the work of both Management
and Summit Security. I mentioned
that our lobby staff and building
staff are praised by our residents
and that they were all hired and
trained by Management. The fact
that we have 100 ambulances each
month and our security personnel
get them to the right building and
apartment quickly probably saves
Finally, our Board learned a great
deal from the concerns of our residents
at the open meeting and it's
now our responsibility to follow
up on many of their suggestions.
Bob Ricken
President’s Report
Bob Ricken
The “Art of Sculpture” -
NST Art Studio’s First Event