Men’s Club gets serious about relationships BY PAUL NETTLER The Men’s Club meeting on Sept. 18 was attended by over 80 members and guests who were treated to a talk by Terrie Rabinowitz, a New York State-certified counselor and psychotherapist and North Shore Towers resident. She chose “relationships” as her topic. In a talk that was often humorous and always insightful and frank, she made her audience reflect on how they handle their own personal relationships -- In particular, how one’s actions affect one’s spouse or significant other. She reminded us that they are our friends, partners and lovers. She gave us insights as to how to improve relationships. For instance, make room for new beginnings; don’t control others decisions or be critical thereof’; and remember that laughter and sex go together. Also, remember the three A’s when dealing with others: accept them for whom they are; appreciate them; and admire them. And when communicating with others, speak with the three C’s: compassion, caring and clarity. Leo Tujak, our treasurer, announced at the business portion of our meeting that we now have 115 members. He also reminded us that next year’s dues are due now. They are $60 and checks can be dropped off to his attention at the Country Club’s reception desk or with the concierge in building 3, for apartment 7A. On the evening of Aug. 28, shouts of “BINGO” reverberated through North Shore Towers as over 40 Men’s Club members and guests tried their luck in a game superbly administrated by our fellow member, Irwin Shanes. It was an unqualified success. Just ask the eight winners. The biggest winner won the last game for which everyone had to stand up. If you had a called number, you sat down and the last person standing was the winner. Something different. In keeping with a keep-money-athome philosophy, the prizes were in the form of gift certificates from several of our local merchants. The event was such a success that we have scheduled another game for Nov. 20, so mark your calendars. On Sept. 4, 60 to 70 members and guests were treated to the Men’s Club version of “The Marriage Game” ably and professionally emceed by our own Bud Banks. Four couples volunteered (although they may wish they hadn’t) to share some of the most intimate facts about their relationships. At first, the men were sent out of the room and their mates were asked questions ranging from the innocent “On what date was your first kiss?” to those which cannot be printed in a family newspaper. The men were then called back into the room and asked the same questions. Needless to say, there was some divergence between answers which led to much hilarity at the expense of the panelists. The whole procedure was then repeated with the ladies leaving the room. At last report, the couples were still together and working out some of their “issues.” We have started a new event: a Tuesday morning breakfast in the VIP Room at 9:15. The first one was on Sept. 9 and was attended by about 12 members. It’s very informal. Just show up. It should provide a more personal way to get to know each other. If you would like more information contact Jerry Gilbert at [email protected] or 718-352-1650. We have a full slate of activities and events planned for the next few months. On Oct. 6, we will be taking the Tenement Museum tour with lunch at Katz’s afterwards. On Oct. 7, we are having our year-end dinner at the Swan Club. Our October meeting will be on Wednesday, Oct. 15 (note the change). It will once again feature Fred Chernow as our speaker. His presentation is entitled “Sleep Well Tonight” in which he will discuss how to get a good night’s sleep without medication. On Nov. 10, there will be a poker tournament and at our meeting on Nov. 13, Gary Darche will discuss civil issues. And not to be out done, for all you Florida Snow Birds, a dinner is planned for the second week in December. If you have any questions, please contact our president, Al Fuchs at 917-612-5350 and afuchs98@, or our events committee chairman, Arnie Rabinowitz at 718- 819-8070 and [email protected]. 40 North Shore Towers Courier n September 2014 MIGDAL/HADASAH OCTOBER HAPPENINGS Fashions by Pouran and High Tea On Tuesday, October 28, the Migdal Chapter of HADASSAH will sponsor a Fashion Show and High Tea at Towers on the Green from 2 to 4:30 PM. Pouran, well known for her beauty parlor, spa and boutique at North Shore Towers, will present a series of fashionable outfits and accessories for daytime and evening wear in the new season The Pouran program will also feature a lecture on skin care and a discount boutique. Each person attending will receive an exciting door prize. Admission is $25. For information call Dee Dee Goidel at (718) 423-2986. The High Tea will also mark the kickoff of Migdal/HADASAH’S Chai Society Campaign. The Chai Society Campaign Like Jews all over the world we have watched with great concern the seven weeks of fighting between Hamas and Israel and the increase of terrorism throughout the Middle East. We have been asking ourselves what we can do to alleviate the heart ache in Israel. HADASSAH recently introduced the Chai Society, a low cost giving club. For $180 or $360 a year, a donor can commit to steady support of HADASSAH. A prime beneficiary will be the HADASSAH Medical Organization, which is known for its state of the art patient care and its ground-breaking medical research. Donations to the Chai Society can be paid annually or quarterly, or, payments of as little as $15 a month can be deducted monthly from VISA, Am Ex, MC or Discovery cards. Literature and further explanation of the program will be available to High Tea guests. CONTACT: Lilly Cohen (718)631-5229 Terrie Rabinowitz, a therapist, speaking to the Men’s Club. MC Bud Bank and the panelists from the “Marriage Game” night (from l) Al Fuchs, Marilyn Salzman, Dr. Stanley Goldsmith, Judy Lev, Blanche and Stanley Schwartz, and Steve and Janet Weiland.
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