10 North Shore Towers Courier n October 2014 PARKINSON SUPPORT GROUP STARTED BY SA LLY RAVICH North Shore Towers has a new support group for Parkinson’s disease that has been meeting monthly since April. At each meeting a guest speaker provides the group with interesting and important information about the disease and effective therapies followed by an open discussion. Last month a neurologist from North Shore Hospital spoke about various therapies available today; prior to that a pharmacist professor from St John’s University discussed the pros and cons of medications that are used and new therapies now available; and prior to that a physical therapist from North Shore demonstrated exercise programs that can help combat the effects of Parkinson’s. According to Dr. Larry Ravich, the group’s founder, “I started the group to help members of North Shore Towers community that suffer from Parkinson’s. As someone with Parkinson’s myself, I understand how helpful it is to learn about new therapies for my symptoms. Equally as important is having a support group and I can share my experiences with. The group meets the first Wednesday of every month in the Colleridge Lounge on the Arcade level of building 3. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, October 1st at 7:30. For more information please contact Sally or Larry Ravich at 718-224-3443. SNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPSSNAPS Ros and Sydney Worobow Felice Hannah Lois Carus Eneas Arkawy and Gus are the center of attention on the dance floor Marion and Bernard Levine Elinor and Ben Sands Hot NYC Band OFF THE HOOK PHOTOS BY JULIE WEISSMAN SEPT 1
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