APhoto by Stephen Vrattos n abused woman fleeing
with her children. The apprehensive
young mother
expecting a child, yet short of funds.
Fragile premature infants. The
hospitalized veteran struggling for
warmth. Our U.S. airmen. What do
they all have in common?
They are all served by the
North Shore Towers Knitting and
Crocheting Club. This charitable
organization meets every Thursday
night from 6:30–8:00 p.m. in the
large card room. Thirty women
meet in an environment of camaraderie;
their hard work and talent
producing warm and colorful handmade
blankets, scarves and infant
hats. These items can be seen in our
seasonal windows, adjacent to the
Towers Valet in the Arcade.
Victims of abuse sometimes must
leave their homes at a moment’s
notice with only the clothes on their
backs. Our club provides warm and
cuddly blankets for their children.
Young mothers-to-be are offered a
program at Jacobi Hospital in The
Bronx, where they’re given childcare
instruction and guided through
a G.E.D. course. Upon successful
completion of this program, the
club gives them one of our lovely
children’s blankets. The heads of
newborn, premature infants must
be kept warm and protected. Our
infant hats of pastel colors serve
both these needs.
The Knitting and Crocheting
Club club has an affiliation
with a local veteran’s hospital.
Craftswomen from our group make
“lap blankets.” These adult-sized
blankets for patients in wheelchairs
also provide warmth when used on
patient beds. Through a connection
with a nearby U.S. airbase, scarves
are provided to their personnel.
You may wonder how our club
survives financially. In addition
to dues from our members, we
take advantage of every yarn sale
The beautiful work of the Knitting and Crocheting Club
and senior discount. One of our
members is known for her knitted
dolls. They exhibit every personality
from a Mets fan to the bar or bat
mitzvah child to children at play.
Sales of these dolls, at $25 each,
are critical to the club. Your monetary
donations or the provision of
unused yarn and knitting needles
are greatly appreciated.
Do you have fond memories
of knitting or crocheting for your
children and grandchildren? Want
to put your spare time to good use?
The club will supply you with yarn
and needles, you provide the labor.
Help us perform acts of charity. You
will find such deeds of mercy to be
Knitting and Crocheting Club
President Judi Ross can be reached
at (347) 235-4509.