DEBATES WERE GREAT I would like to publicly thank Felice Hannah, our new Political Action Committee Chair at North Shore Towers. Felice helped the Presidents Co-op and Condo Council host a Mayoral Forum here at North Shore Towers on Tuesday, August 20. On Wednesday, August 21, Felice and her committee hosted a second night of forums for the candidates for Queens Borough President, Comptroller and Public Advocate. Felice and her committee members also hosted many politicians on what she refers to as a “Meet and Greet.” This allowed members of our community to meet such New York City and Congressional leaders as Christine Quinn, Bill Thomson, Mark Weprin, Ed Braunstein and many others. The debates also were valuable to our community members and gave North Shore Towers an enormous public relations boost. Felice’s committee members are also going to do workshops during the year since she selected people with an expertise in the political arena. During the debates for the Borough President, Comptroller and Public Advocate it was noted that from the towers A Message from the President: Bob Ricken most voters simply go right down the Democratic or Republican line on the ballot. By getting to know these other candidates, all of us will be more informed voters. The debate allowed North Shore Towers residents to get to know all candidates and also their opinions on such topics as cooperatives taxes, stop and frisk and rising medical costs. Several residents said they were going to change their votes based upon what they heard at the debate. We should mention that our General Manager, Glen Kotowski, met with the police on several occasions and had them assist us with crowd control. He also arranged to put lights on sections of the golf course to enable us to park the overload of vehicles. Our security director, Kris Debysingh, contacted Summit Security to assign additional guards to “man” key stations in the buildings and on our grounds. The Presidents Co-op and Condo Council will pay for some of our extra costs for hosting the event. We learned a great deal in hosting a political event. Twenty-four hours prior to the mayoral debate, every candidate refused to participate because they didn’t like our format. They only agreed to come when we offered the format they selected. It seems with the Primaries just a few weeks away, they didn’t want to make an obvious error and also didn’t want to give away their own strategies and best lines. Please note the candidates who attended the debate at North Shore Towers. For the Mayor of New York City: Erick Salgado Sal Albanese George McDonald Anthony Weiner Adolfo Carrion Jr. Joseph Lhota Christine Quinn For Queens Borough President: Aurielio “Tony” Arcabascio Melinda Katz Peter Vallone Jr. For Comptroller: John Burnett Hesham El Meligy Scott Stringer For Public Advocate: Cathy Guerriero Letitia James Reshma Saujani Daniel Squadron Sidique Wai It is our hope that by continuing to host events that bring our elected officials to North Shore Towers, they will become aware of issues that are important to us. be sure to watch on channel 995 A new program is premiering on Channel 995 this month. North Shore Towers presents: “A Spotlight on Us,” a documentary video series that will focus on some of the interesting people who live in the Towers. The series’ first program will be shown in September. Morty Schwartz, a retired filmmaker and resident of Building 1, is the creator and producer. He is working with Tower Productions’ John Virga and Marty Ragusa together with Board Members Fred Chernow and Maria Termini-Miller. This first program spotlights the exciting life of retired city detective and Gym Chair Danny Cavallo. You will be able to see the program at various times throughout the Watch for announcements. Victoria Schneps-Yunis Joshua A. Schneps Tonia N. Cimino Jennifer Decio Maggie Hayes Stephen Reina, Nirmal Singh, Ron Torina, Cheryl Gallagher month. Publisher & E ditor Associate Publisher Editor-in-chief Art Director Contributing Editor Artists 8 North Shore Towers Courier n September 2013 please return shawl Will the kind person who was nice enough to retrieve my black-fringed shawl from the floor in the Arcade return it to security or to your concierge? It was a birthday gift and I am ashamed to admit I lost it so soon. Thank you so very much. Sylvia Feldman babe event a success! North Shore Towers residents raised $28,250 for American Cancer Society’s Babe Event through the successful efforts of the golf, tennis and card party and donations received from the wonderful community. “It really went over all of our expectations,” said Paula Franklin, event co-chair. “It was unbelievable.” Franklin and co-chair Marion Weinstein were grateful for the turnout and the support of everybody at the North Shore Towers and beyond. North Shore Towers Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 • Tel: 718-224-5863 • Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 • Editorial Fax: 718-224-5441 • e-mail: [email protected] All letters sent to NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER should be brief and are subject to condensing. Writers should include a full address and home and office telephone numbers, where available, as well as affiliation, indicating special interest. Anonymous letters are not printed. Name withheld on request. ALL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR AND OP-ED’S DO NOT REFLECT THE OPINION OF THE PUBLISHER. 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