

North Shore Towers Courier n September 2013 39 NOMINATIONS WANTED 6TH ANNUAL AWARDS & NETWORKING EVENT KINGS QUEENS of a champions award & networking event SEPTEMBER 26TH, 2013 AT 8:00 AM TERRACE ON THE PARK KINGS OF QUEENS COUNTY Nominee Requirements: We are looking for individuals showing success who demonstrate a strong presence not only in business, but in the community as well. Nominees are chosen based on the information sent to The Queens Courier. The deadline for submission of nominations is Wednesday, July 31. All nominees will be informed by August 2 if they have been chosen. Please complete all fields in the form below. All fields are required for nominee consideration. NOMINATION SUBMITTER INFORMATION Name: __________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________ Title ____________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ NOMINEE INFORMATION q Same as above Name: __________________________________________ Company: _______________________________________ Title ____________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ qPlease attach nominee’s resume to this form qWhat makes this nominee a King? What sets them apart? (300 words max) qRecent accomplishments of nominee (include promotions, charitable actions and other business and community contributions) (300 words max) If you need more space for your answers, please attach a separate sheet THE QUEENS QUEENSCOURIER.COM The Queens Courier King Nominee Checklist: Nominee resume is attached. All fields of nomination form have been completed or are attached. Please return nomination form no later than Wednesday, July 31 to [email protected] Or Mail to: The Queens Courier “King of Queens” 38-15 Bell Blvd Bayside NY 11361 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PlEASE CONTACT MARIA AT 718.224.5863 ExT.226 OR [email protected] Call Today About Sponsorship Opportunities! NOMINATIONS CAN ALSO BE MADE ONLINE AT www.queenscourier.com/ nomination

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