38 North Shore Towers Courier n June 2015 At North Shore Towers, there’s a club for every interest! university club The University Club meets once a month, usually the last Thursday unless there is a scheduled activity, such as a museum trip or theatre party. Meetings with guest lecturers, discussions or video presentations are held on the premises at North Shore Towers. The club has one spinoff—a book club—which holds monthly afternoon meetings. For further information, contact: Shirley Wershba: 347-408-4270 • Joanne Groen: 347-502-7266 • Judy Tane: 347-502-7297 (Book Club) computer and technology club men’s club The Men’s Club holds regularly scheduled membership meetings on the 2nd Thursday of every month, but may be subject to change as necessary—members are notified accordingly. The Men’s Club meets in the North Shore Towers large card room by the movie theater. Meetings are scheduled at 7:30pm for members to go over club business and at 8:00pm for guests and members to attend scheduled speakers, or participate in other planned activities. Meetings are informal and guests are encouraged. In addition, the club holds a variety of other events: weekly breakfast meet-ups, trips, baseball games, fishing trips, card games, bingo, BBQs, dinners, and more. We are also active in Florida for those members who go away for the winter, with 2-3 events a month in the sunshine state. Some events are for men only. Other are open to wives, guests and significant others. For more information about the club or to join contact President Al Fuchs at 917-612- 5350 or Vice President Toby Horowitz at 718-279-0082 or you can reach us through our interactive website: www. northshoretowersmensclub.org writers’ circle For more information on the Writers’ Circle and possibly becoming a member, please call Roz Newman at 718-224-7803 More than just a computer club, we cover all aspects of technology that affect our life at North Shore Towers. For the 2015-16 season, we plan to offer such diverse topics as basic computing, beginner and advanced iPhone and iPad use and online banking. We are also planning meetings with General Manager, Glen Kotowski. There is no one more knowledgeable at NST as it relates to Time Warner Cable and our air conditioning system. We are always interested in ways to increase our knowledge in this fast growing digital age. Most of our meeting notices are sent out using the NEXTDOOR venue. garden club The Garden Club has a few lots still available for planting by residents of NST. For more information on obtaining a lot or upcoming events please contact Club President Helen Bader at 718-224-7208 or Robert via email at [email protected] Our Camera Club meets twice monthly on the first and third Mondays from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Coleridge Lounge building #3, room #1. Whether you have a “point and shoot” still in its box, or an SLR digital, and have experience shooting, editing and printing, we camera club are ready to fill your needs. We learn from each other and guest photographers, who teach and critique at our friendly and fun meetings. Our photographs are presently on display in the Coleridge Lounge, and in two Arcade locations: near Maintenance and near Building #3. We look forward to meeting you! For information call one of our co-chairs: Dawn Steinberg 718-229-1448 or Julie Weissman 718-423-3017 french club Bonjour! Parlez-vous Français? We invite you to join our group of Frenchspeaking people for French conversation on Wednesdays at 3:00pm in the Coleridge lounge, Building #3, room #3. Anyone interested please call Reggie at 347-502-7126. Merci et bienvenue! bridge club Meets every Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the large card room by the movie theater. For more information please call Lynn Weiss at 718-279-1005 investment club Our club may be best described as a social group with serious interest… in its portfolio! Each member owns an equal share and an equal say on the purchase or sale of its stocks. We teach its members to be more knowledgeable and successful investors by researching stocks and learning to evaluate their potential within their industry group as affected by the national and world economies. Socially, we hold two annual club-financed brunches at the Towers Restaurant and a private offsite annual dinner. The highlight of each meeting is a presentation by our professional advisor. Meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of the month. The club has been in continuous operation the last 12 years and is a member of the National Association of Investment Clubs. Membership is limited by its Charter to 35 people, a number we are fast-approaching. For info or to attend a meeting, call Marianne Levensteim (Co-Pres.) at 718-423-4975 or Herbert Cooper (Co-Pres.) at 718-631-8264 hadassah club The Migdal Chapter of Hadassah at North Shore Towers is an active group with some 250 members. Its goal is to provide support for Hadassah’s multiple projects in Israel and the U.S., such as Hadassah Medical Center, renowned for its cutting edge research and state-of-the-art medical care; Hadassah College; Youth Aliyah and more. Migdal/ Hadassah programs are held on site at NST. They include the weekly Yiddish Group; the Jewish Book Club; plus social, cultural and fund raising events, speakers, films, Chanukah and Purim celebrations, annual lunches, card parties, fashion shows, and more. For information about joining or transferring Hadassah membership to Migdal, contact Membership Chairman, Marcia Jacobson at (718) 631-1067 We would like to welcome our new residents and let you know about our wonderful NST Knit and Crochet club. We make lap blankets and scarves for our soldiers and veterans, also baby blankets, hats and sweaters for women in need. We meet at 7:00pm every Thursday in the large cardroom behind the movie theater. For more information, please call Judi Ross at 347-235-4509. knitting club
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