

Decorators Delight! ♦ 1-2 Bedroom Corner Building 1 ♦ $899,000 ♦ 1Bdr/2 Bth Unique Studio! ♦ Lowest Maintenance! ♦ $185,000 ♦ Studio E”X”traordinary Studio Alcove ♦ $319,000 ♦ Studio Alcove “W”orld Class Luxury ♦ $1.238M ♦ 3 Bdr/3.5Bth 1 Bedroom 2 Designer Baths ♦ $379,000 ♦ 1 Bdr/2 Bth Spectacular 1 Bedroom ♦ Magnificent views! ♦ $399,000 ♦ 1Bdr/2Bth “O”ne of a kind 2 Bedroom Corner ♦ $1.3M ♦ 2Bdr/2.5 Bth 1-2 Bedroom Corner ♦ Totally redesigned! ♦ $575,000 ♦ 1Bdr/1.5Bth IN CONTRACT IN CONTRACT IN CONTRACT “D”esigner’s Showplace ♦ Great Location! ♦ $1.049M ♦ 2Bdr/2.5Bth For the latest listings check out our website NSTowers.com North Shore Towers Courier n 40TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION n June 2015 9

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