Thanks Its Unsung Heroes
to wear face coverings and abide
by social distancing recommenda-tions.
A notice has been posted at
the entrances requiring all persons
entering to be wearing a face cov-ering
or a mask, as well as several
social distancing signs.
New mailroom etiquette calls
for everyone to retrieve their mail
quickly and not to congregate. All
seating in the lobbies has been
removed to ensure people don’t
congregate and in the Courtyard,
all seating has been separated to
comply with social distancing
Hand Sanitizer stations have
been installed in each lobby, arcade
building entrances, loading dock
areas and the laundry area—please
use them!
Steve said, “I would like to
thank all of our residents for their
cooperation and we hope everyone
remains healthy and safe during
these difficult times.”
Behind the Scenes
Steve also reported that all lob-by
and hallway carpeting will be
cleaned. Building 2 is currently
underway, after which Buildings 1
and 3 will be done. “We plan to do
two to four floors per day, based on
staffing,” Steve said.
In addition, since the card
rooms, movie theater and lounges
are closed, important maintenance
is being done in those areas as
well. “We felt it would be a per-fect
opportunity to get some things
done that we couldn’t normally get
done,” Steve said. This includes a
thorough cleaning and disinfecting
of the movie theater seating and
The card rooms in Building 2
have had their chairs repainted and
cushions and carpeting thoroughly
cleaned, as well as all tables cleaned
and disinfected. Steve noted that
this project alone took one month
to complete.
Steve summed up the efforts of
North Shore Towers’ exceptional
staff: “Our leadership team, along
with all of our employees, are
doing an outstanding job. I’m so
very proud to work with such an
amazing group of dedicated and
professional employees who serve
this great community.”
General Manager Glen
Kotowski affirmed Steve’s senti-ments.
“By virtue of being essen-tial
employees, our employees are
the unsung heroes of North Shore
Towers.” He explained, “They con-tinue
to come to work to serve our
residents each day, and thereby
put themselves and their families
at risk of contracting the virus for
the good of North Shore Towers.
I am extremely proud of each and
every one of them.”
Thanks to our Vendors
Speaking of essential
services, several North
Shore Towers’ businesses
remain open to provide
our residents with food,
medications and laundry
services. Thank you all!