I wish to recommend watching
our wonderful in-house video
“North Shore Towers, The First 40
Years” which is currently airing on
our in-house channel 995. For those
of you who may be new to our com-munity
or even for those who have
seen it previously, it is “Must See
TV” and I think you will enjoy it.
I want to assure you that your
Board of Directors, Management
Team, Building Staff and Security
employees are working hard
towards maintaining the health
and safety of everyone. However,
it takes the concerted effort of all
of us to make the differences that
will keep us all healthy and safe.
With vigilance and utilization of
common-sense practices, you can
help yourself, your family and your
community stay healthy.
Together, we will make the differ-ences
necessary to keep our commu-nity
the safe place to live and work
that it has always been. Thank you.
President’s Message
The Board of Directors held
special meetings in April on
a variety of issues, including
the health and safety of our resi-dents
and staff during the current
pandemic. Below is a summary of
the key issues discussed at those
The Board of Directors addressed
the issue of wearing face masks and
unanimously passed a resolution
whereby all persons entering North
Shore Towers will be required to
wear a face mask or cloth covering
over their nose and mouth. Signs
have been posted at our entrances,
Concierge desks and other public
locales. Anyone failing to do so will
be denied entry to our community.
Our mail rooms are a concern for
the spread of the virus. Residents
are advised to enter the mail room
when no one else is present.
Residents should unlock their box,
retrieve their mail and leave with-out
delay. The shelf within the room
can no longer be used as a desk for
opening mail and perusing contents
before discarding. This should be
done in your apartment. All items
such as circulars and non-mandat-ed
postings which would encourage
lingering in the mailrooms have
been removed.
It is in the best interest of resi-dents
to only enter empty elevator
cars. The 6 foot social distancing
rule is difficult to follow within the
elevator cars with other passengers
present. With more residents spend-ing
more time in their apartments,
there is less demand for elevators
which now arrive quickly.
We ask our residents calling
for food or other deliveries to
inform the person on the phone
when scheduling the delivery that
delivery persons without a mask
or face coverings will be denied
access to the Buildings. This man-date
includes all of us, including
you, your family, your friends, your
domestic help and North Shore
Towers employees. So please, be
respectful and help by being part
of the solution.
Residents are urged to confiden-tially
disclose a positive coronavi-rus
diagnosis to the Management
Office so that special arrangements
can be made with our maintenance
staff to take steps to help assist
you to keep quarantined in your
apartment. Remember, vigilance,
good personal hygiene practices
and utilization of common sense
is your best defense.
Our vendors are continuing
to shorten the hours they are
open. While deliveries are being
made, in some cases they can-not
handle peak time telephone
requests. Please be patient and
Should you visit the Towers Fruit
Market or Towers Supermarket in
person, it is absolutely necessary
for you to be mindful of the 6 foot
social distancing, waiting your
turn in line which begins outside
the store, and being respectful of
store employees and your neigh-bors.
And of course, remember
to wear a face mask or cloth face
covering for your nose and mouth
while in any public area outside
your apartment!
The 2020 Board of Directors
election and Annual Shareholders
meeting will be postponed until
which time New York State declares
that we are no longer in a state of
emergency or danger relative to the
Coronavirus pandemic. At such
time, a new election schedule and
date for the Annual Shareholders
meeting will be determined.
BuildingLink email blasts and
our in-house Channel 995 will be
utilized to advise residents of the
latest developments in our effort
to combat the spread of the virus.
Under door letters will no longer be
utilized due to concerns of possible
The North Shore Towers Courier
and the Tower Times both have
online editions and we intend to
send you an email with the links
when new issues are available.
In an effort to monitor any
potential delayable expenditures,
our expense reduction program
includes postponing the Country
Club VIP Room remodeling plans,
possibly eliminating weekly lobby
floral displays and other similar
such items.
The Board unanimously
approved the discontinuance of
parking behind the outdoor pool,
since paving and other improve-ments
in that area for added parking
have been postponed indefinitely.
NST Board l -r: Ed Phelan; Mario Carmaciano; Bob Ricken; Steve
Kirschner; Fred Chernow, Marty Schwartzman; Dr. Stanley Goldsmith;
Debra Markell-Kleinert
Fred Chernow
To: Our Management Team and Support Staff
From: NST Board of Directors
Re: Thank You
You leave your families each day to care for our NST family. Day in
and out, you unselfishly come to maintain us and our facility. We want
you know we deeply appreciate your loyalty and concern.
Our management team, concierges, doormen, porters, handymen, and
security personnel all do the jobs that make challenges we are facing
just a little more bearable.
We wish you and yours good health safety in these difficult times.