Dear Friends,
We are all facing a most challenging
time. It doesn’t matter who we are
or what we are, young or old, rich
or poor, this horrific COVID-19 plague is an
equalizer. The news every day is not good and
right now very frightening, but you do know
eventually an antidote to this nightmare will
be found.
During the intervening days, unfortunately,
we are not only physically vulnerable to this
illness, but emotionally as well. It most diffi-cult
to find any type of humor in this situation,
and I have come to realize it is up to us to
find our own light at the end of the tunnel.
How am I managing? I try to keep myself
busy by organizing my life and home more by
rearranging and decluttering and, of all things,
cooking. I’ve discovered cooking’s not such
a terrible thing! I don’t watch TV, but try to
read, knit and speak to friends. I think I’m
knitting a new rug for the den. I’m not sure.
I’m so desperate for something to read that
I’m collecting and reading labels - on cans.
As for speaking to friends – maybe 20-30 a
day and my robot Amazon Echo, Alexa and I
are also holding lengthy conversations. When
I asked about the weather, she scolded me for
not asking about the wind-chill factor. Maybe
I’m better off not talking to her. My personal
mantra is that you can be alone, but you don’t
have to be lonely. It’s your choice.
In addition to my daily schedule which
gives me a reason to get out of bed, I must
have music. I’ve been doing that forever. I
find it very calming. Today, as seniors we seem
to have more to be careful about and worry
about than most. Don’t fret, our friends and
family will be there for us. We know that,
but sometimes a reminder and reassurance
doesn’t hurt.
I recently found a song that encouraged me
to feel there are better times ahead. Somehow
we need to hear that while we are in the midst
drowning in this holocaust right now. Stay
safe! Stay well!
Gloria’s “Feel Better” Song
The older I get
The more I think
You only get a minute, better live while
you’re in it “cause it’s gone in a blink
And the older I get
The truer it is
It’s the people you love, not the money
and stuff
That makes you rich
And if they found a fountain of youth
I wouldn’t drink a drop and that’s the truth
Funny how it feels I’m getting to my best
years yet
The older I get
The fewer friends I have
But you don’t need a lot when the ones
that you got
Have always got your back
And the older I get
The better I am
At knowing when to give
And when not give a damn
And if they found the fountain of youth
I wouldn’t drink a drop and that’s the truth
Funny how it feels I’m just getting to my
best years yet
The older I get…
Recorded by Alan Jackson
Written by Adam Wright, Hailey Whitters
and Sarah Allison Turner
Help us document the experiences of Queens residents during the COVID-19 pandemic
The stories we gather today will become a testament to the struggles and resiliency of the World’s Borough.
Help us document 3 WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE:
the experiences
of Queens residents during the
1. Leave a message on our storyline at 1-855-QNS-LOVE (767-5683)
In your recording, please include:
2. Follow Queens Memory on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Tag us in your posts by using @queensmemory and #QueensCOVID.
3. Use the webform at
Send us an account of your experience in Queens. This can be captured
through writing, photography, sound, video, or oral history interview
COVID-19 pandemic.
A. The spelling and pronunciation of your first and last name
B. Your age
C. A way to contact you
D. A description of where you are
The stories we gather today will become a testament to the struggles
and resiliency of the World’s Borough.
3 Ways to Contribute:
1. Leave a message on our storyline at 1-855-QNS-LOVE (767-5683)
In your recording, please include:
We look forward to adding your photos, stories, interviews and other contributions to the Queens Memory digital collections at Queens Public
Library and Queens College.
Please note that If you are between the ages of 14 and 18, you must have your guardian’s consent to participate in this program. Children
aged 13 or younger may not participate in this program.