North Shore Towers
Did you know that the popu-lation
of North Shore Tow-ers
is just about the same as
the whole village of Roslyn? Yes,
North Shore Towers is its own vil-lage,
and it takes a top-notch team
to keep NST functioning—and
never more so than in the midst of
this pandemic.
Much has been written about
essential workers—medical profes-sionals,
police, firefighters--but the
dedicated staff here at the Towers is
also truly essential to keep residents
safe during this unprecedented
Altogether, NST employs a small
army of employees to manage its
more than 1,800 apartments and
safeguard its 2,500+ residents,
The corps includes security,
which is led by Security Director
Chris Stahly. Security at North
Shore Towers is a 24-hour, seven-day-
a-week operation, and it has
not slowed down because of an
invisible invader. The main front
gate and the security dispatch
office continue to be fully staffed
and includes an on-site supervisor
and approximately 30 full-time
guards. Chris explained, “We also
have security patrols performed
on foot through the arcade and
vertical patrols that are conducted
throughout the buildings from the
penthouse to the lobbies,” Chris
said. So while residents are safely
at home, NST’s security is hard
at work.
Keeping all of North Shore
Towers’ buildings and facilities
humming along is its power plant,
overseen by Chief Engineer Sal
Castro. North Shore Towers is off
the power grid, which means its
generators supply all the power
needed to provide electricity, hot
water, heat and air conditioning
throughout the complex. Sal’s
staff is always on duty to ensure
that the generators are operating
around the clock, 365 days a year—
all the more important now that
everyone is sheltering in place in
their apartments.
However, not everyone can stay
within the safe haven of their apart-ment
100% of the time. Residents
still need to get into the elevator
to go down to the lobby and get
their mail, or go to the arcade for
a much-needed stroll, or step out
to the Courtyard for a breath of
fresh air.
The prospect of doing any of
these activities—which require
leaving one’s apartment--could be a
little intimidating under the current
circumstances. Fortunately, North
Shore Towers has Steve Cairo as its
General Superintendent.
May ¢COURIER TOWERS Steve’s role is perhaps among
the most daunting these days:
SHORE He oversees all of the front desk
concierges, each of the three
building’s superintendents and
NORTH all of the property’s maintenance
staff. These are the people who
are on the “front lines”—the first
to interact with outside visitors and
your cooperation. 8 delivery people and the ones who
constantly clean and sanitize all the
nooks and crannies throughout all
the common areas of each of NST’s
three 33-story buildings.
First and foremost on the to-do
list for Maintenance is the health
of North Shore Towers’ residents,
and right now that means taking the
concept of “Mr. Clean” to a whole
new level. All of the common areas
of the complex are now cleaned and
sanitized even more frequently than
usual (and they were already kept in
tip-top shape before the pandemic).
“We are very proud of the amazing
job our staff has done and contin-ues
to do each day, 24/7,” Steve
said. To give you an idea of what
Steve is talking about, read on.
Lobby shopping carts have all
been power washed and disinfected
and are wiped down with disinfec-tant
after each use.
Lobby porters continue to clean
and disinfect all touchable surfac-es
in the lobby such the concierge
desks, doorman stations, mailroom
boxes, shopping cart handles,
elevator buttons (inside and out),
revolving door handles and the tops
of all trash containers.
All incoming packages from
US Postal service, UPS, FedEx,
Amazon, etc., are wiped down and
sanitized by the staff.
Elevators & Stairwells
All elevators are sprayed regularly
with disinfectant. Kiosk and all
stairwell handrails and garage ele-vator
buttons are regularly cleaned
and disinfected.
Arcade, Courtyard & Hallways
Arcade: The arcade is cleaned
and disinfected throughout the day,
evening and during the 12am to
8am shift. This includes cleaning
and disinfecting all touchable sur-faces
such as window sills, the tops
of trash pails, all machines, table
tops, chairs and bathroom area.
Courtyard: The Courtyard has
been open and door handles, push
buttons for automatic doors are
continually sanitized. All seating
is sanitized daily.
Hallways: All porters assigned
to floors are consistently cleaning
and disinfecting all areas of each
floor including; compactor rooms,
chute hopper door handles, com-pactor
entrance door knobs, tables,
benches, tops of trash containers,
stairwell and apartment door
knobs. There is someone assigned
daily in each building power wash-ing
all compactors rooms and chute
To keep both staff and residents
safe, all staff has been supplied with
masks and are required to wear
them at all times. In addition, all
staff has been issued hand sanitizer,
gloves and all necessary personal
protective equipment.
It’s important that residents do
their part too. A number of pro-tocols
have been put in place to
remind residents and their visitors
A Salute to NST’s Outstanding Staff
NST Security Director Chris
NST Chief Engineer Sal Castro
NST General Superintendent
Steve Cairo
Please contact for
services: 718-224-9502 or
Monday through Friday,
At present, walk-ins cannot
be accepted. Thank you for