Camera Club Snapshot
Here's what the North Shore Towers
Camera Club has been up to lately:
As you may have noticed, we have
started to replace all the photos throughout
NST. This has not been a small undertaking,
for there are well over 100 photos on display.
To date, the library has been enhanced with
our photos of flowers. Stop in and see them
(they’re hanging above the book cases). In the
arcade opposite the theater, the installation has
been changed. Between the management offices,
the wall has been brightened by additional pho-tos.
The photos in the alcove between Building
#2 and #3 have been hung with scenes of NST.
And then there is the Coleridge Lounge,
where there had been 76 photos hanging. We
decided that we would alter the appearance
by changing the look from a symmetrical four
square display to an asymmetrical three hanging.
This is almost finished and will result in 57 new
photos being on display. We are also working
on a black & white photo exhibit for the cor-ridor
leading to the meeting rooms (another 20
photos). All this takes time and coordination,
because some of the hangings have to be done
by management, who we would like to thank
for their assistance and cooperation.
Meanwhile, our photography members have
not been idle. Besides contributing to the hang-ings
at NST, we also display at other venues.
In March we displayed at the Douglaston/
Little Neck Library (various members);
fotofoto Gallery in Huntington (Jane & Leo
Tujak); North Shore University Hospital (Allen
Michelson); the Reconstructionist Synagogue in
Plandome (Allen & Roseann Michelson); the
North Hills Library (Dawn Steinberg); Studio
Channel Island Art Gallery in Carmarillo, CA
(Leo Tujak); and Jane Tujak, runner-up and
prize winner in Project Innovate Great outdoors
photo contest. Dawn Steinberg was scheduled
to display at the Great Neck Library and in a
one-woman exhibit at the Manhasset Library
beginning this month, but unfortunately those
shows have been canceled until further notice.
The Camera Club typically meets the first and
third Mondays of the month in the Coleridge
Arlene Kelvin
Leo Tujak
Lounge at 7PM. If you are interested in
photography or would just like to sit in on a
meeting, feel free to join us when we recon-vene.
For further information please contact:
Dawn Steinberg, phone: 718-229-1448/email: or Leo Tujak, phone
Jill Tulchin
Jack Schwarcz
Dawn Steinberg
Jane Tujak
Kathryn Bitetti Rose Tracey Theresa Oropallo