The Visage of Collage
Women’s Club Collage Workshop
Photos by Rose Tracey The March 21 meeting of the North Shore
Towers Women’s Club was scheduled
to launch an epic miniseries on The
Constitution, led by professor of American and
Constitutional History at Nassau Community
College, James Coll. Unfortunately, Mother Nature
had other ideas, ceding to the Cold North
Wind, which delivered the fourth of a string
of nasty Nor’easters to plague the area during
the first three weeks of the month. With snow
totals topping nearly a foot in some parts and
winds gusting upwards of 40 mph, our intrepid
speaker, who calls the far reaches of Long Island
his home, had to postpone.
Still, the Women’s Club had plenty of March
activities going on, including the inaugural
meetings of two new features, which proved
there’s no end to our talents and interests.
On Monday, March 15, a Collage Workshop
took place in the Coleridge Lounge from 1–3
pm. Marylin Davidson, Gloria Beck, Chickie
Kaufman and Sylvia Landau organized an
enthused group of women, who brought materials
to arrange themes to form beautiful pictures.
The diversity was remarkable, with reflections of
their thoughts, hobbies, experiences, travel, love
of flowers, family and mementos. The reception
was so positive another collage workshop is in
discussion for the future.
Jean Kerner composed cherished family
March has been a busy month for our
members. On Monday, March 20, the newly
formed Cinema Club held its first movie
review program in the Coleridge Lounge.
Formed by members Carol Klinger, Chickie
Kaufman, Gloria Beck and Mimi Radin, with
post discussion led by Vicki Mazel, the club’s
inaugural film was “Phantom Thread,” and
the Towers movie director, Howard Simon,
supplied trailers and still shots from the movie,
starring Daniel Day Lewis. The well attended
session had a wait list and future meetings will
be planned in the movie theater to meet the
demand. All members can see the movie at
their own convenience, and the discussion
time will be posted in the mailrooms. The next
film slated is “The Post,” starring Meryl Streep
and Tom Hanks.
• Wednesday, April 18: The Constitution,
Part I—Speaker James Coll; Large Card Room;
7:30 p.m.
• Wednesday, May 16: Welcome Sweet
Springtime Luncheon—Jolly Fisherman
Restaurant; 12:30 p.m. $23 Per person. By
reservation only
Entertainment by Michael Dos Santos
Make your table requests with enclosed
checks, starting April 1, and leave at Concierge
Building #1—Marilyn Davidson, 30R
Building #2—Gloria Beck, 17G
Building #3—Chickie Kaufman, 1T
• Wednesday, June 20: The Constitution, Part
II—Speaker James Coll; Large Card Room;
7:30 p.m.
• Tuesday, June 26: Trip to Nassau County
Museum of Art: “The Jazz Age”
Picasso, Matisse, Chanel, Gershwin, Joyce,
Fitzgerald, Hemingway and more.
The wild times and brilliant works of a connected
group of musicians, artists and writers
during the 1920’s continues to cast a fascinating
spell on the imagination. Also features
musical and literary symposiums exploring the
art, design, music, dance and literature of this
unforgettable era.
Sylvia Landau holds up her completed piece
• July 18: The Constitution, Part III—Speaker
James Coll; Large Card Room; 7:30 p.m.
Further information will be available in this
newspaper, and on posters in the mailroom
to reserve your place for the docent-led tour.
We thank Rosalie Goodman for her efforts in
planning the museum trips.
And now an update on NST Women’s Club
South from Co-President Bobby Gould…
On Wednesday, March 7, members met at the
Monikami Museum, the only Japanese museum
in the U.S. Lunch was a Bento box filled with
delicious Japanese food. Two docents led a tour
of antique and friendship dolls, presented by
Japanese and American children to each other,
continued to a beautiful exhibit of unusual
Japanese pottery; then wandered in the lovely
gardens and unusual gift shop.
We welcome our snowbirds back soon.
That’s it for now. Remember: all events are
for dues-paying members only. Look for the
yellow rose in your mailroom for updates on
our doings. See ya soon!