What separates the AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity from all others? North Shore Towers Courier n April 2013 21 RESTAURANT AUTHENTIC GREEK CUISINE BAR/BAT MITZVAH BIRTHDAYS BRIDAL SHOWER SWEET SIXTEEN PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE 20% Off Dinner Sun.-Thurs. Not to be combined with any other offers. Offer available with coupon only. 25 Middleneck Road • Great Neck 2013 st (516) 305-4958 FREE DELIVERY www.ETHOSRESTAURANT.com YOU DESERVE THE EXPERTS! Certified Geriatric Specialist and Certified Exercise Experts for Aging Adults FREE TRANSPORTATION Medicare and Most Insurances Accepted Call 347-242-3200 today to schedule your evaluation Call (516) 488-8808 today to schedule your evaluation. 1999 Marcus Avenue Suite M15, Lake Success, NY 11042 and 69-61 Grand Avenue, Maspeth, NY 11378 www.AgeWellPT.com of the THE QUEENS QueensCourier.com Place Call 347-242-3200 today to evaluation. 1999 Marcus Avenue, Suite M15, Lake Success, NY 11042 69-61 Grand Avenue, Maspeth, NY 11378 www.AgeWellPT.com BRING YOUR OWN LIQUOR FOR NOW, LIQUIOR LICENSE PENDING. EXCEPTIONAL NEW LUNCH MENU. GREAT PRICES! TRY US FIRST TIME 15% OFF. SENSORY SUBSTITUTION: Professor Amir Amedi of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences turns sound into sight for the blind. See video: www.afhu.org/CGA1 A secure AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity provides high fixed-rate lifetime income for you, and propels discoveries of vast importance for Israel and the world. This was certainly the vision of Albert Einstein, one of the founders of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Einstein imagined a catalyst for research that would build a nation and improve the world. When you create an AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity— with its high lifetime return, income tax deduction and tax-free payments—your annuity works for you, for the vision-impaired and for all the visionary researchers whose achievements benefit people worldwide. AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity Returns Age Rate 67 6.2% 70 6.5% 75 7.1% 80 8.0% 85 9.5% 90 11.3% Rates are calculated based on a single life. Cash contributions produce tax-free annuity income. Vision. CAll oR emAIl now. THe ReTURns ARe GeneRoUs. THe CAUse Is pRICeless. For information on AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuities, please call AFHU National Executive Director, Peter Willner at (212) 607-8555 or email: [email protected] The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Founded by Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Martin Buber and Chaim Weizmann. Sustained by you. One Battery Park Plaza, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10004 800-567-AFHU (2348) • (212) 607-8500 www.afhu.org/CGA1
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