The Men Who Refused
to Name Names
Fascinating talk on the blacklisting of Hollywood featured at January Men’s Club meeting
Max Alvarez photo by Terry Feit
The Men’s Club did it again on
Thursday, January 11, with
a fascinating talk by Author
and Film Historian Max Alvarez,
who spoke about “The Hollywood
Blacklist Years”
In October 1947, when the House
Un-American Activities Committee
(HUAC) convened a hearing in
Washington, D.C., to investigate
subversive activities in the entertainment
industry, 41 screenwriters,
directors and producers were
subpoenaed. Most witnesses were
“friendly,” that is willing to respond
to the committee’s central question,
“Are you now or have you ever
been a member of the Communist
Party?” And those who confessed
to membership were offered the
opportunity to name “fellow travelers,”
thereby regaining their good
standing with the committee, and
by extension, the American film
Ten witnesses known as the
“Hollywood 10”—all current or
former party members—banded
together in protest, refusing to
cooperate on First Amendment
grounds (Freedom of speech,
Right of assembly, Freedom of
association), an affirming with
which HUAC disagreed. It found
the so-called Hollywood Ten in
contempt of Congress, fined them
each $1,000 and sentenced them to
up to a year in federal prison.
All 10 artists also were fired by
a group of studio executives… and
the era of the Hollywood Blacklist
began. Most screenwriters, directors
and actors were victims of the
Red Scare. But the Hollywood 10
were rendered unemployable due
to their refusal to testify before
Congressional committees or
refusal to inform on others. Max
Alvarez explored the origins of
the blacklist in Hollywood’s labor
unrest and what led to its ultimate
end, showing clips from films which
were affected by the fear which
consumed Hollywood.
The speaker at our next meeting
on February 8 will be David
Lawrence, a mind reader/magician/
entertainer. He will read your mind
and make you laugh. For more than
25 years, he has astounded his audiences
with feats of thought reading
which defy explanation. Everyone
can participate and all will have lots
fun. Guests are invited, if accompanied
by a member, for a fee of
$5, payable at the door. If you have
any questions call Jerry Siegel at
The current events meeting was
on January 15 in the Coleridge
Lounge. Ralph Edwards was the
moderator. The session began by
looking back at our predictions
made in January, 2017, for events
which would occur during the calendar
year. It was interesting to see
what happened and what didn’t.
The 2017 news cycle was full of
“game changes” and historical
events: Trump’s activities, North
Korea, the Middle East and dreamers.
The book, “Fire and Fury,” as
well as environmental and weather
conditions were also discussed.
The next meeting will be held on
February 12 at 10:30 a.m. in the
Coleridge Lounge.
Other February’s events include
a Super Bowl party on the 4th
with free food and soft drinks
(attendance is limited), lunch at
Umberto’s in New Hyde Park on the
15th, and a return trip to Heart of
Portugal Restaurant in Mineola for
dinner on the 27th. And as always,
we have our informal breakfasts at
Buffy’s every Tuesday, Wednesday
and Friday at 9:00 a.m—some of the
breakfast specials are a real bargain!
BINGO is on February 25 in
the large cardroom at 7:30 p.m.
Everyone is invited to try their luck.
If you would more information
about our club, please call
our president, Arnie Rabinowitz
at 516-317-6705. If you would
like to join us, please call our
membership chairmen, Joe
DiGiovanni at 516-9665-9225.
January speaker, Author and Film Historian Max Alvarez, reviews his
notes before the presentation
Mind Reader/Magician/
Entertainer David Lawrence
will be the featured guest at the
February 8 meeting
Hollywood Ten (l. to r.) Adrian Scott, Edward Dmytryk, Samuel Ornitz, Lester Cole, Herbert Biberman,
Albert Maltz, Alvah Bessie, John Howard Lawson, Ring Lardner Jr. (Missing: Dalton Trumbo)