This article pertaining to the
Migdal’s Discussion Book
Group will not be about the
January selection; instead, it will be
a tribute to Bern Rosenthal, who
died suddenly on December 9, 2021.
It is a shock and with deep sorrow
that we say farewell to Bern,
who along with Arlene Augenbraun
chose and led the Migdal Hadassah
book discussions that were held
every other month. As dedicated
leaders during the COVID shutdown
at NST, they held these discussions
on Zoom. In fact, not too
long ago, Arlene turned the tables
on Bern, interviewing Bern about
her memoir that she published in
2020, “Under the Noodle String.”
If you recall, the Migdal Chapter
arranged for that charming interview
to be seen by the NST community
on Channel 995. At the time
of her death, she was writing about
Migdal Chapter of Hadassah:
A Tribute to Bernardine (Bern) Rosenthal
the second phase of her life as a
sequel to her memoir.
I think it is important to reference
her book in this tribute
so that the reader can glean the
essence of who she was. In Bern’s
words, “I started writing the stories
from my childhood when I
was a young mother, and they
were written in a used lined spiral
notebook that had belonged
to one of my children. At first, I
wrote because those nice blank
pages were so inviting, but I
soon realized that I was writing
because I needed to tell the
story…about the Williams girls
and their childhood. It was way
back when even a clean piece of
string was of some importance,”
she said. I think her reference
to the “importance of a piece of
string” is related to the poverty
and hardships she experienced
growing up during the depression.
Bern’s full name was Bernardine
Williams Rosenthal and she grew
up in Chicago during the Great
Depression. She desperately had
a desire for knowledge because she
wanted a profession to fulfill her
goals of always having a job and
be an independent woman. She
trained and became a nurse and
married Dr. Mort Rosenthal. They
had two daughters and grandchildren.
It was interesting to note that
her memoir introductory page bore
a quote from William Faulkner’s
“Requiem for a Nun”: “The past is
never dead; it’s not even past.”
Bern, who lived in Building
3, was a member of the Migdal
Chapter for almost 15 years and
it was a privilege to have her as a
dedicated Hadassah member. She
was serene and unassuming and
always ready to be of assistance.
She will be deeply missed.
Our neighbor and friend, Bern
Hadassah Certificates and Cards
The January 26 Book Club
discussion has been canceled
and future discussions are on
temporary hiatus. We will be
resuming the book discussions
as soon as possible. Please stay
tuned for updates. Thank you.
As the expression states
Migdal “has your back.”
It is prepared to make
your life easier to send a Hadassah
Certificate or Card and
volunteer Marcia Jacobson is
here to help.
There are many important
reasons that you might
wish to send one a certificate
or card, which becomes a
Double Mitzvah. Your personal
message for the special occasion
lets the person know how you
feel, and Hadassah Certificate
and Card donations go directly
to assist in Hadassah Medical
Research. The groundbreaking
results of that research aid the
Medical World.
Here are some ideas:
•• If you wish to send a condolence,
the sentiment will
express sympathy for a loss
and an acknowledgment that
the person who passed away
meant something to you. The
mourner receives the comfort
that you are there for them in
a time of need.
•• Sending certificates or cards
for a birth recognizes a new
beginning and a “Mazel Tov”
to the family.
••An engagement or wedding
marks a time of joy for the
couple and that you are sharing
that joy.
••A birthday, whether a special
one or an ordinary one, provides
a way of saying Happy
Birthday while giving a donation
as a gift for the person who
may have everything and does
not need or wish for more stuff.
••Graduations from pre-school
through college mean you are
proud of the child or adult for
their accomplishments.
••And let’s not forget a new job
or promotion.
1. Call Marcia Jacobson at
2. She will take all your
3. If you have special message for
the Card or Certificate, give it
to her.
4. If you need help to think of a
message, she will help you or
suggest one.
5. Leave a check made out to
Hadassah. Certificates cost $36
and Cards cost $18.
6. Put the check and message in
a sealed envelope and leave it
for Marcia Jacobson, Bldg. 3,
Apt. 25L.
7. Remember to include your telephone
numbers plus your name,
Apt. and Bldg. Numbers.
8. Marcia will mail the certificate
or card for you.