36 North Shore Towers Courier n January 2014 jklabcdefghi jklabcdefghi SUDOKU Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9. Across 1. “Check this out!” 5. Hair groomer 9. Ill-gotten gains 14. Type of palm with healthy berries 15. ___ Minor 16. A deadly sin 17. Take up and hold 18. “Schindler’s ___” 19. Choice 20. Horserace with obstacles 23. Brat 24. Inadequate 28. Carbonium, e.g. 29. Bean counter, for short 31. Lover of Aeneas 32. Play, in a way 35. Chip dip 37. Calendar abbr. 38. Glow-in-the-dark 41. Basic monetary unit of Romania 42. Broken 43. Handle the food for a party 44. Song and dance, e.g. 46. Cabernet, e.g. 47. Comedian Bill, informally 48. Cut baby incisors 50. Immensely 53. Unruly 57. Eiffel ___ 60. Length x width, for a rectangle 61. Big name in sneakers 62. Contemptuous look 63. ___ Bell 64. Small cave 65. Minor 66. The “E” of B.P.O.E. 67. Cast Down 1. Hail Mary, e.g. 2. George C. ___, actor 3. Eastern wrap 4. Roman emperor, 14-37 A.D. 5. Visit (2 wds) 6. Basket material 7. Catchall abbr. 8. Shellacking 9. Run out, as a subscription 10. Not versed in a specified subject 11. Computer-generated image (acronym) 12. “Losing My Religion” rock group 13. “... ___ he drove out of sight” 21. Punctual 22. Accumulate 25. Colossal 26. Bring out 27. “Message received and understood” 29. Gave a fig 30. Argued 32. Comics sound 33. “So ___!” said defiantly 34. Beat 35. “___ Like It Hot” 36. Buttonhole 39. Sheik’s bevy 40. Longitudinal grid lines 45. Public road in a city 4 3 5 9 1 2 7 6 8 47. Chocolate trees 1 2 9 6 7 8 5 4 3 49. ___ Potter 6 8 7 5 3 4 1 2 9 50. Sweater style (2 wds) 51. France’s longest river 5 4 2 1 6 9 3 8 7 52. ___ River, flows 8 9 1 3 4 7 6 5 2 through Alaska 3 7 6 2 8 5 4 9 1 54. Diminish 55. ___-Altaic languages 9 1 3 8 5 6 2 7 4 56. Badger’s burrow 2 6 4 7 9 1 8 3 5 57. Cooking meas. 7 5 8 4 2 3 9 1 6 58. “___ moment” 59. Dewy Answers to last month’s NST Puzzle & Sudoku 9 7 4 9 6 5 2 3 9 6 8 9 4 2 5 7 6 3 2 9 3 6 1 2 6 5 4 3 5 7 ARIES - 3/21-4/19 Coming weeks will bring an interesting revelation. There’s something you need to learn - or at least begin to understand. You might not believe it necessary to embark upon a new learning curve or one that appears enforced in some way. It’s important you have faith in the fact that what it is you’re to discover won’t be a painful or intense experience. The cosmos promises it will be very much the opposite provided you’re receptive to learning whatever it is you need to grasp. TAURUS - 4/20-5/20 If we’re driving any distance, we needn’t always be concerned when we experience a bit of rain. It’s an unwelcome development but we’re equipped to deal with it. Inclement weather might even slow us down slightly but slowing down usually has more to do with others than it does ourselves. You’re entering a period that might require you to slow a process down slightly but it’s important you don’t see this as a need to stop altogether. You’re well equipped to deal with the reasons and must trust that clouds will part soon enough and you’ll soon gain momentum again. GEMINI - 5/21-6/20 Do you feel inclined to admit you were wrong about something or someone? Before you answer that question, think for a moment about where you were with a process or individual back in October and where you’re at with them now. Has there not been some progress made? Have you not had reason recently to feel that something is moving in the right direction, just slower than you wish it was? Don’t be too quick to believe you’ve backed a losing horse, you have not. Impatience could be blinkering your judgment but a development this week might put that into perspective. CANCER - 6/21-7/22 Even when people claim to be unsupportive, there are always ways in which they will support us. In other words, it’s unfair to form a fixed opinion about a certain person and how supportive they are or are not based on one particular instance. Recently, you’ve done a good job of getting someone on your side. The down side to this is, they appear to have made clear that limits exist in terms of how supportive or cooperative they’re willing to be. This week, look for what is positive within an arrangement. The sky promises that something strong can be built from that. LEO - 7/23-8/22 Here we are, once again in the season of goodwill and kind gestures. To many, goodwill and kind gestures involves ordering items from a range of online stores and believing they’ve done their bit until next year. The cosmos isn’t interested in the calendar we adhere to on planet Earth. It has its own agenda and, interestingly, it has plans to bring you love, support and cooperation you’ve had on your Wish List for some time. A new era is beckoning and one that promises you’ll be defending yourself much less, very soon. Let developments unfolding now reassure you of this. VIRGO - 8/23-9/22 There appears to be a celestial equivalent of applying brakes in some way happening now. It appears a process might have gained momentum a bit more quickly than you’d anticipated or a situation between you and a certain person requires distance put between you if a sensible way forward is to be identified. This is by no means a ‘bad’ scenario, in fact, it bodes very well for ensuring tension is kept to a minimum. You and someone else don’t appear to be singing from the same proverbial hymn sheet quite yet but developments this week could do much to help. LIBRA - 9/23 - 10/22 The path of true love is a bumpy and winding one and whilst not every Libran will be embarking upon a new relationship or trying to salvage what’s left of one, the sky insists that an arrangement with someone whom you are committed to in some way is likely to become a source of tension and frustration. The cosmic climate is building into an explosive one for everyone but a certain level of protection is available to you now to help ensure you’re removed from certain firing lines. Stick to the Libran motto of ‘peace at any cost’ as best you’re able and you’ll be fine. SCORPIO - 10/23-11/21 Your ruling planet, Pluto, remains an essential component in astrology despite being relegated a few years ago by those who dismissed it as an ‘ice body’ and not a planet. It’s definitely integral to much happening in the sky as we speak. You appear to be embarking upon a process of revelation, something is coming to light that has been ignored or swept under a proverbial carpet for too long. What comes to light at this time might not be all sweetness and roses but knowledge is, as they say, power. You’re about to be in a stronger position through knowing something. SAGITTARIUS - 11/22/12/21 Opportunities like to be seized. They believe that, having made effort to make themselves available, there ought to be little or no point on our part to delay things. What opportunities don’t understand is how hidden they can be sometimes. They also fail to recognize how concealed within dramas and seemingly negative scenarios they often are. The coming week brings you face-to-face with an opportunity you are unlikely to delay seizing. The only snag is, it might appear at first as an unwelcome development. Look past that at what is worth having. CAPRICORN - 12/22-1/19 There are times when we feel resigned to situations. Perhaps, this is because we’ve tried to change them in ways we wanted them to change but were unsuccessful. Maybe, it’s because we fear upheaval and insecurity that might come from bringing about a change to a situation we have become familiar with. With that in mind, let’s look at a scenario in your world that the sky is adamant must change. You’re being removed from a certain comfort zone and this week is likely to highlight how. Something delightful is on offer. To receive it, be flexible and brave. AQUARIUS - 1/20-2/18 Many artists have written songs about wanting to ‘rule the world’. In truth, this is unlikely to be something any of us would really want to do. We all wish we had more power or influence in some ways but would supreme power be something we would truly want? As much as you can see ways in which you could improve the lives of others now, there are limits to how much you can – and ought to – do. This week, avoid the temptation to intervene or convey points too strongly about what others ought to be doing. Step back wherever possible, for now. PISCES - 2/19-3/20 People speak about others ‘biting the hand that feeds them’. Of course, they would never acknowledge how they might be doing something similar themselves. It’s usually from a distance that we can see how others are making mistakes or erring in some way. This week, it might become clear how something you’re doing – or not doing – is not as sensible or practical as you believe it to be. It might even be brought to your attention by someone in a way you’re unlikely to be thankful for. But it is important you are thankful for someone’s input as you’ll soon discover.
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