22 NNoorrthth S hSohroer Te oTwoewrse Crso uCrioeur rni eMr anr cJha n2u01a3ry 2014 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H #1 in SaleS for 27 yearS at north Shore towerS! THINK NORTH SHORE TOWERS, THINK... ANNETTE KROLL!! Dear North Shore Towers Friends and Neighbors, During the Holiday SeaSon, more than ever my thoughts turn to gratefully say, “THanK yoU”! I take great pride in having assisted so many of you in the buying and selling of your apartments. yoUR SaTiSFaCTion iS My #1 Goal! Through my non-stop dedication, hard work and 7 day a week commitment to you, I am proud to report that in 2012, for the 27th consecutive year, I have once again been personally responsible for more apartment sales at North Shore Towers than any other broker! If you are interested in exploring the possibility of SellinG your apartment, you will benefit from my endless network of prospective buyers. If you are thinking of BUyinG, I always have a large selection of inventory. Choosing a broker is a very important decision, and I encourage you to meet with me and join the thousands of satisfied residents who have worked with me. I specialize in PeRSonaliZed SeRViCe and most importantly, GReaT ReSUlTS! Client referrals and networking are the foundation of my business. I always put the needs of my clients and customers above all else, and have the experience and knowledge of the North Shore Towers market to realize the highest price for sellers and the best values for buyers. Again, I want to wholeheartedly THanK yoU for your continued trust and confidence, and I sincerely appreciate your loyalty and support!I look forward to hearing from you and meeting to discuss any of your current or future real estate needs. Whether buying or selling, please call me for a “no oBliGaTion” consultation. Remember – MaGiC – the Magic is in the stress free, efficient and successful real estate transactions that I provide! My SinCeReST THanKS and waRMeST wiSHeS FoR THe Holiday SeaSon and THRoUGHoUT THe new yeaR! Sincerely, Please Spread the Word...Tell Your Friends! APARTMENTS WANTED ThiNKiNg Of SELLiNg? ALL SizES NEEdEd. cALL Annette Kroll ANNETTE KROLL 718.631.8867 res. on sITe Now’s the Time to Sell! CALL TODAY! MAGIC of GreAt neCk reAlty www.AnnetteKroll.com
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