WHAT WE’VE ACCOMPLISHED As we approach the end of every year, I believe the residents of North Shore Towers are entitled to a review of the accomplishments of your Board of Directors. We have so much to share this year with our friends and neighbors that I thought I’d merely list these achievements, rather than detail them in paragraph form. BOARD ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING 2013 • There will be no maintenance increase for the fifth consecutive year. • There will also not be an increase in Country Club dues for the fifth year in a row. • Our positive response to Sandy has netted the sale of several apartments to people we sheltered during the storm. • We have constructed an additional seating area in the garden adjoining the children’s playground. • We are in the process of installing the generators we budgeted for the 2013 and 2014 calendar years. • We continued to upgrade the VIP Room. • Our Happy Hour is so successful that it’s now SRO. • We have approved the expenditure to renovate the movie theater. • The women’s card room has been expanded and re-carpeted. • Our participation in the Presidents’ Council of Coop and Condos and our own Political Action Committee has helped to retain our Real Estate Tax rebate. from the towers A Message from the President: • Our insurance coverage for Sandy and the labor of our employees helped us to have a minimal expenditure for the damage we sustained. • Updating of the gym will be continued this month with new paint, rugs and refurbishing the area adjacent to the Billiards Room. • Purchase of a new barbecue oven. • Contracted for the updating of our website. • Utilizing our political power to help eliminate the inequity between taxes on single-family homes and on coops and condos. This has support of our elected officials. • Robo calls instituted for emergencies and for schedules in the gym and VIP Room. • When packages are delivered, residents get called and the news is posted in the lobby as well. • Changed bulbs to reduce electricity costs. • New liquor license is now in the name of VIP Room vendor. • Improved irrigation of golf course and updated holes 1 and 9. (Holes 2 and 8 to be redone in 2014) • Convinced election officials to hold all voting exclusively for our residents in North Shore Towers. • Dinners, in season, now served in VIP Room on Tuesday and Sunday. • Friday night’s Happy Hour is a smashing success! • Had a dramatic increase in sales, flip tax revenues and value of apartments. • Constructed new security shed for incoming deliveries. • Budgeted money to refurbish the indoor pool and the kiddy pool. • P.R. Committee had major article in all Nassau County Anton News publications. • The Wall Street Journal article said we were the 5th Cooperative in sales in NYC for 2012. We should move up this year since we had even more sales in 2013! • Did a compete re-planting of the gardens adjacent to the visitors’ parking lot. • Received letters from Veterans’ organizations and local hospitals for the books and knitted clothing we donated on behalf of our library staff and knitting club. • Hosted almost every candidate running for the public office for New York City Mayor, Borough President and Public Advocate. • Political Action Committee hosted “Meet and Greet” sessions with many elected officials. • Steve Israel, our U.S. Congressman, hosted a superior Q and A session with our residents. • Won the arbitration with Towers Restaurant in regard to rent and utility fees. • Updated the advertisement of events via My Building, elevator Bob Ricken flyers and easels in the building lobbies. • Wrote and distributed to every resident’s door, frequent updates on Board of Director’s actions. • Continued to write a monthly article in both The Courier and the Towers Times. • Hosted the N.Y.C High Schools’ women’s golf tournament. • Hosted a holiday party for all of our employees in appreciation for their excellent service to our community. The Board of Directors wishes all of our residents and their families a HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR! Victoria Schneps-Yunis Joshua A. Schneps Tonia N. Cimino Jennifer Decio Maggie Hayes Stephen Reina, Nirmal Singh, Ron Torina, Cheryl Gallagher Publisher & E ditor Associate Publisher Editor-in-chief Art Director Contributing Editor Artists 10 North Shore Towers Courier n January 2014 North Shore Towers Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 • Tel: 718-224-5863 • Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 • Editorial Fax: 718-224-5441 • e-mail: [email protected] All letters sent to NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER should be brief and are subject to condensing. Writers should include a full address and home and office telephone numbers, where available, as well as affiliation, indicating special interest. Anonymous letters are not printed. Name withheld on request. ALL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR AND OP-ED’S DO NOT REFLECT THE OPINION OF THE PUBLISHER. 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