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Eastchester Gardens residents
express safety concerns
Police and residents discuss crime at Eastchester Gardens at the 49th Precinct Council
meeting on Oct. 26. Photo Jason Cohen
While Eastchester Gardens is
home to the largest gang takedown in
NYC history and has had its share of
violence over the years, residents are
still fed up with the crime in the area
and feel unsafe.
On Oct. 26, community members
voiced their displeasure with the violence
at the 49th Precinct Council
meeting. A few recent incidents include
two teens that were shot in May
and a shooting in September.
Theresa Oyola and Denise Wright,
lifelong residents of Eastchester Gardens,
spoke to the Bronx Times about
the crime.
Wright, 43, whose brother was
murdered up the block, said she appreciates
the Police Department
wanting to hold events with kids such
as barbecues, but the real issue is the
lack of funding and programming.
She said children need mentoring,
tutoring and safe things to do after
school and on the weekends. Even the
community center where the meeting
was held is outdated, she said.
As a youth, Wright remembered
how the schools and churches partnered
with the housing projects much
more than they do today.
“When I grew up it was more of
a community place where people
looked out for one another,” she said.
“That community feeling is gone. You
don’t even know half the people that
live here.”
Going forward, she hopes the residents
and the police come up with a
plan to turn things around.
Oyola, 43, added the violence has
gotten worse over time and claimed
that the police don’t do much to help
people. Oyola said there needs to be
more cops walking throughout the
development getting to know the residents.
“When I grew up it wasn’t like
this,” she said. “There’s no police out
there. They stay in their cars and
don’t come out at all.”
With four kids, Oyola doesn’t feel
safe and might have to look at moving
if things don’t improve, she said.
Her anger was not only directed at the
police, however. She also pointed out
that NYC Councilman Kevin Riley
was not at the meeting and wanted to
hold his feet to the fi re for the violence
in the Gardens.
“You got all these people you vote
in and they do nothing,” she said.
However, in a separate interview,
Riley, who grew up with a father in
jail and often got into fi ghts as a kid,
told the Bronx Times that he understands
why many kids turn to violence.
While Eastchester Gardens
and other parts of the borough have
always been known for crime, things
are different today because of social
media, he said.
Often, beefs brew on Instagram
or Facebook, which leads to 13- and
14-year-olds killing each other, the
councilman said. He added that recently
a kid was on Instagram Live
and shortly after, was murdered by a
rival gang. He told the Bronx Times
that since being elected to the City
Council in December 2020, he has
been in Eastchester Gardens on a
weekly basis.
“When it comes to addressing the
violence, we have been working with
the stakeholders in Eastchester,” he
According to Riley, the problem
is the division between young people
and seniors as many youths feel they
aren’t listened to. Like Wright, he
agreed that there must be more programming
such as game nights, basketball
tournaments and after school
Riley said times have also changed.
When he was a teenager in Baychester
it was about going to the movies,
playing sports and Xbox or going to
a school dance; today, it seems kids
would rather pick up a gun.
“If we actually want to make a difference
and help these kids, we have
to fi gure out what they need,” he said.
Detective Jay Sturdivant, of the
49th Precinct Community Affairs Offi
ce, told attendees at the meeting he
planned to meet with his Commanding
Offi cer Deputy Inspector Andrew
Natiw and work with Riley and the
residents to make things safer.