Popcity staff member Alyssa Levine
Unlike services like Foursquare and
Pera explained. “Sure, you can find
Yelp, Popcity is not based on restaurant
a restaurant on your Popcity map,
reviews but rather based on specific
but what you’re finding really is the
dishes and photos. So if you see
individual meals someone may have
something delectable on Instagram,
taken a picture of. So this specific
you can copy the photo and location
croissant, salad, etc. … we’re using
link, open it in Popcity and save it to
that as our focal point when you’re
your individual “map.” Once in Popcity,
looking for food.”
the photos will let you know how far
Pera has lived in Astoria since 2015,
away in walking distance you are from
and the company is officially based
each meal, and if you’re around the
there as well. He said that our foodcentric
city, will also send you notifications if
neighborhood played a huge
you’re especially close to something.
role in the app’s development.
Plus, it keeps all of your desired eats
“It’s Astoria; what’s not to love?”
and drinks in one place, so you can just
he said. “You have a lot more
scroll through the pictures in your map
going on here in terms of diverse
the next time you don’t know where to
food. Here you have well-known,
go for dinner.
good cuisine, where in the rest
“What we’re doing is focusing on
of New York you’re getting lots of
independent food experiences,”
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