Global25 & Justice: Global25 focuses on
Economic Justice, Social Justice, Environmental
Justice, Educational Justice, and
Equity; particularly, as it relates to Communities
of Color Worldwide. The initiative(s) are
project based and focus on S.T.E.A.M,
(Science, Technology, Education, Art, and
Math) Economic Development, The Arts,
Women's Empowerment, “Place Making”,
and ESG (Environmental Social Governance).
Global25 &The Arts: Global25 is a
full-service art, marketing, and planning company;
specializing in exhibits, events, project
development and management, public / private
partnerships, and economic development,
economic empowerment, and “Place
My Mission is to Build a Sustainable Society”. A
Sustainable Society must have four (4) pillars: a strong
economic structure, healthy constituents in all realms (i.e.
access to health care, healthy environment), equitable
access to education (from birth to higher education), and
social justice (in all aspects of society).
Malikka D. Karteron
CEO / President