Marissa Janneire-Ash is a Trinidadian-American who is serving as the Regional Director of Operations for Crothall
Healthcare covering the NYC Health + Hospital Corporation, a role she was appointed to in 2017. She previously
served as the Crothall RDO for Mount Sinai Healthcare System where she was responsible to improve patient and
staff experience and drive departmental efficiencies through innovation and standardization.
During that period, Janneire-Ash had her initial experience working with infectious diseases. She managed all
Environmental Service operations for MSHS through the Ebola pandemic, writing new policies and working with
over 30 government agencies to ensure all aspects of possible pandemic were covered. “I feel like my experience
with the Ebola crisis really helped prepare me for COVID-19,” she had said. “We had to confront many of the same
issues, such as securing enough PPE.”
When asked about her proudest moments of service during the pandemic, she has cited the bravery of her
directors, managers, and associates and the care they brought to patients. She has been the proud recipient of the
CompassOne 2020 Terry Batchelor award for her impact during COVID-19. This has been the highest honor and
award within her organization.
Janneire-Ash has been credited with bringing an innovative approach to solving problems through her “Think
Tank” sessions where managers and staff work together to find solutions. On top of these achievements, she has
served as the company’s Northeast champion for Diversity and Inclusion. She volunteered with The Young Women’s
Leadership Network and Doe Fund organization to provide guidance on interviewing skills and unconventional
jobs in healthcare for women.
Janneire-Ash’s Caribbean upbringing served as the foundation for her caring spirit, sense of teamwork, and love
of carnival. She was raised by her mom, Carole Janneire, five aunts, six uncles, and grandparents, Hilda and
Neville Richardson, who get the credit for her passion and resilience. She has been residing in Brooklyn, with her
husband Tony and two children, Al and Ryan.